Sneak Attack damage applies to creatures, not objects; unless there is explicit text that allows it.
If being able to sneak attack objects was the norm, then there wouldn't be the Vandal (Goblin) feat in existence.
We can point to the FAQ, but the FAQ only addresses creatures. There's no mention of objects.
Critical Hits: The following creature types...
Precision Damage: The following creature types...
We can look at the
glossary and see what precision damage means.
Precision Damage: Precision damage assumes that the target has a somewhat normal anatomy or at least has a physical form which might have weak spots which could be detected or taken advantage of.
If a GM says that an object can have a "physical form that might have weak spots" despite the strong implication of "creature" in the sentences not directly quoted, that is a special house rule and not the norm.
What exactly do we know?
- Objects have no anatomy.
- Objects are immune to critical hits.
- There are feat(s) that specifically allow sneak attacks to be used on objects.
- The forum has an overwhelming "no" on the subject.
Can a sneak attack typically be performed on objects? This GM says, "No, unless you give me a really good reason as to why it should."