The following custom Invocation wants to be used in my current game. Is this within the power range of published invocations in the PHB, or is it either too weak or too strong in comparison?
If this custom invocation isn't within the range of other invocations, how do I need adjust it to make it fit?
Eldritch Mutation
Prerequisite: Pact of Chain:
You can use a Warlock spell slot to cast a spell that will transform your familiar into a creature of higher power.
The creature it turns into must be of the same Race/Type as the Familiar, but with a Challenge Rating that is equal to half your Warlock level, rounded up.
While the Familiar is transformed it has its own initiative and it acts on its own. It's friendly towards you and your allies. However it does follow your commands (command takes bonus action).
The transformations last an hour and requires concentration. As a bonus action, you can end the spell early.
If concentration ends the familiar will go hostile towards everything on sight.
The familiar will go back to normal if its hit points hit 0 or after an hour has passed, even if you lost concentration.