I'm converting to dnd-3.5e a dnd-bx adventure and one magic item found in the adventure is a wand of paralyzation that "projects a cone-shaped ray… 60' long and 30' wide at its end. A creature struck by the ray must" make a saving throw. Failure means the creature is paralyzed for 1 hour.
I'm struggling with this because A) I don't know of any equivalent 3.5e spell or magic item that creates an effect like the wand's effect, and B) I worry that any equivalent 3.5e magic item that creates an effect like the wand's effect risks being too valuable to hang on to!
See, whatever effect the converted wand of paralyzation employs must function both on creatures that are immune to mind-affecting effects like oozes and vermin and on creatures that need not make saving throws against effects mandating a Fortitude saving throw unless the effect also affects objects like constructs and undead (which are, of course, also immune to mind-affecting effects).
Keep in mind that constructs, dragons, eladrins (?!), oozes, and undead are all immune to actual paralysis, so despite the item's name, the 3.5e effect is unlikely to cause the condition paralyzed. Also, the adventure is for level 1 PCs, so, while the item generating the effect can be powerful— because in the original adventure it has but 7 of its original 50 charges remaining—the item can't be so powerful that the players feel (or, worse, actually are) stupid for keeping the item rather than selling it.
Below are details from The Keep on the Borderlands (1981) describing my understanding of the item's importance to the adventure:
The PCs can find the wand of paralyzation in area 30, the hobgoblin chieftain's quarters. Adjacent to the hobgoblin lair but through the gnoll lair is—I'm not making this up—the Temple of Evil Chaos, wherein at least one encounter sees all but the most careful and lucky PCs confront a horde of—and I swear that I'm not making this up, either—twenty skeletons and twenty zombies. At once. The wand of paralyzation seems to be the only thing in the adventure that would allow the PCs to survive such an onslaught. That there are another clutch of 8 skeletons and another band of a dozen zombies elsewhere in the temple really makes me wonder how this place smells. Also—but of secondary concern—, elsewhere in the adventure three gray oozes (?!) can dissolve a group of PCs that is not equipped with the wand.
I welcome a frame challenge that upsets my understanding of the item's necessity, since a successful challenge means I can substitute a much more (ahem) basic item like a custom staff of mass hold monster [ench] (PH 241) (9th-level spell at caster level 17) (300 gp plus 2,295 gp/charge; 4 lbs.) with, like, 2 charges or something. A straight conversion of the wand of paralyzation is also acceptable, but such a conversion should be done in accordance with 3.5e's item creation guidelines.