On a d% roll of 01-25, a confused creature "Acts normally." During this time, does the creature recognize that it's confused, allowing it to take actions to remove the condition, or does it act as if it were it not confused? For example, would a confused cleric have the presence of mind to cast on himself the spell calm emotions?
To put this another way, I imagine the condition confused as causing the creature to experience a hazy, dreamlike state in which the creature isn't sure what they're seeing and sometimes acts in a way that its lucid self wouldn't. Using this interpretation, rolling "Acts normally" could mean that the creature is still suffering from the condition confused, but the creature's perceptions line up just closely enough with what is actually happening that the creature does the same thing it would have otherwise done without the condition.
Alternatively, rolling 01-25 could mean that the creature briefly shakes off the condition, giving it the opportunity to cure itself. (By the way, a different mental picture that explains the confused condition better is acceptable.)