Linked Questions

54 votes
10 answers

What characterizes a "Modern" role playing game or gaming system? [closed]

I recently read about D&D clones in another question (I forget where I saw it) and noticed comments referring to gaming systems that were clones of D&D as "Old School" while others ...
Haacked's user avatar
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22 votes
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Need to play D&D on a budget, at least for now [closed]

My friends and I plan on playing D&D this summer, and I'm going to be the DM. I need advice on reducing the price as much as I can without reducing fun so we can have enough of it to bring my ...
DungeonKeeper2BestGameNA's user avatar
10 votes
10 answers

What RPG worlds/systems work best together in crossover combinations? [closed]

I'm curious: What RPG worlds have you combined most successfully in a crossover setting as a GM? (Or what was the best crossover that you played as a player?) My best experiences almost always ...
OpaCitiZen's user avatar
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