Linked Questions

7 votes
1 answer

How can a Druid obtain certain high level Wizard/Cleric/Sorcerer spells?

I'm building a Druid. The thing is, he's also a cult leader, meaning he would appreciate certain spells and skills that most Druids normally wouldn't need. Unfortunately, from what I've seen so far, ...
Carly 's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How would SCAG Baldur's Gate protect itself against an Ancient Red Dragon? [closed]

How would Baldur's Gate (the D&D 5e Forgotten Realms city as described in Sword Coast Adventurer's Guide) protect itself / push back against an Ancient Red Dragon? (With the dragon coming out of ...
OpaCitiZen's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

What stops practitioners of Enchantment and Illusion magics from taking over societies? [closed]

What stops practitioners of Enchantment and Illusion magics from taking over humanoid societies in your average D&D 5e world? See, given enough time and resources, they could impersonate ...
OpaCitiZen's user avatar
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13 votes
6 answers

How do I make adventurer-resistant door opening counters?

This question is in partial research for a magical surveillance state inspired from two different sources, Potter and the Natural 20 and Doc Smith's lensman series. Functionally speaking, there must ...
Brian Ballsun-Stanton's user avatar
23 votes
1 answer

How can PCs defeat a magical Necrotic Cyst-based surveillance state?

In his excellent answer to this question, Brian Ballsun-Stanton posited a horrifying surveillance state using, at its core, a handful of powerful creatures, the feat Mother Cyst (LM 28), and a ...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
7 votes
4 answers

What ways are there to magically enforce an agreement?

Assume a PC (or the whole party) wants to make a deal with another PC or NPC. What magical ways are there to make this "contract" binding and enforceable, or at least somewhat so? Examples where this ...
Simanos's user avatar
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27 votes
5 answers

Living forever in D&D (via spells)?

I was thinking of a way for a humanoid (PC or NPC) to live forever in a D&D setting, but through rather "common" and reproducible means, such that they will be available to many. By this logic I ...
user12010's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Investigating suspects and evidence in a D&D3.x based world

First of all, I know there's been a question titled Crime Investigation in a fantasy world. My question is only partially similar to that, though. The problem: In a DnD3.x based world (including ...
OpaCitiZen's user avatar
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73 votes
7 answers

How can I effectively drop clues of corruption in my campaigns?

In many games I GM, corruption plays a big role. Either in my fantasy games with a church with a firm hand on the king or dystopian future like Shadowrun. Almost every time in my games, corruption is ...
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8 votes
4 answers

Do you always get a Will save?

In D&D is there any situation where a player character could not be given a will save? Such as unconscious, insane, already under a previous illusion? If you are not in control of your mental ...
user10769's user avatar
10 votes
5 answers

How do you force a character to reliably tell the truth?

One problem that I have with the various ways of determining falsehood in 3.5/PF is that none of them are foolproof. There are a few spells that help with this, but they all allow saves. Zone of ...
DuckTapeAl's user avatar
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