Linked Questions

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Is a Barbarian Totem Warrior a Spellcaster? [duplicate]

At third level, a Barbarian can take the Path of the Totem Warrior, gaining (among others), the following feature: Spirit Seeker Yours is a path that seeks attunement with the natural world, giving ...
Freefly's user avatar
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Am I a spellcaster if I take Magic Initiate or Ritual Caster feat? [duplicate]

If I take either the Magic Initiate or Ritual Caster feat, would I be considered a spellcaster for the purpose of attuning to magic items like the Wand of Lightning Bolts?
True's user avatar
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Do Shadow Monks count as spell casters? [duplicate]

Shadow Arts gives you some spells you can cast with Ki, but not the spellcaster class feature or spell slots. However it does give you Minor Illusion as a cantrip, and I believe that races who get ...
Lucius Luci Cypher's user avatar
25 votes
7 answers

Can a Fireball, a fragile glass jar, and a lot of ball bearings make a "Claymore"-like explosive device?

My rogue has some ball bearings and of course, he wants to build Claymores. He talked to me about it beforehand since he was excited. I would like to see if he can make this work, but I told him ...
Maarek's user avatar
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Must a Ranger's spellcasting focus be druidic, or can it be arcane (or even holy)?

This question was inspired by the question about what constitutes a bardic spellcasting focus. It has been somewhat overcome by Tasha's Cauldron of Everything (p. 57) which explicitly describes a ...
KorvinStarmast's user avatar
13 votes
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Can a non-spellcaster attune to & use a wand or staff that doesn't require a spellcaster?

I've been going through the DMG's magic item list, and I notice some wands & staves require attunement without specifying "by a spellcaster". An example is the Wand of Magic Missiles. Is it the ...
Bailey's user avatar
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19 votes
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Just what are the differences between Spellcasting and Pact Magic?

Many classes incorporate the Spellcasting feature. One, Warlock, instead has the feature Pact Magic. What are the mechanical differences between the two, or is this just a distinction without a ...
nitsua60's user avatar
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Can a bard make spell scrolls?

Can a bard make a spell scroll? In Xanathar's Guide to Everything, they outline that spellcasters can make a spell scroll, and what is required to do so. Would bards be considered spellcasters in this ...
Elylaina's user avatar
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What is the spellcasting ability of a Barbarian Totem Warrior?

At third level, a Barbarian can take the Path of the Totem Warrior, gaining (among others), the following feature: Spirit Seeker Yours is a path that seeks attunement with the natural world, giving ...
Freefly's user avatar
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3 answers

Is this amulet of blinding fire balanced?

I created the following item with a 5th level draconic (red) sorcerer in mind: Blinding Fire Amulet Wondrous item, rare (requires attunement by a spellcaster) The amulet has a number of charges equal ...
Anagkai's user avatar
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While wearing Illusionist's Bracers, can a Player Hold Action with Booming Blade (for Reaction) and strike on your turn with a Bonus Action?

By RAW can a Rogue High Elf wearing Illusionist's Bracers use Hold Action with Booming Blade to trigger Illusionist's Bracers feature to then use their Bonus Action (on their turn) to cast Booming ...
Clipped Dragon's user avatar