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Questions tagged [3d-space]

For questions that primarily involve calculations, coordinates, and movement within the imagined 3-dimensional space of the game world.

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8 votes
2 answers

Does "occupied space" include terrain?

The 2024 Player's Handbook defines (in the glossary) "occupied space" this way: A space is occupied if a creature is in it or if it is completely filled by objects. An "object" ...
Asura's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

In gridded combat, how many squares/cubes above ground can the caster of Earth Tremor be in order to affect the ground?

Our campaign uses the optional Using Miniatures rules (Dungeon Master's Guide Ch. 8) and the variant Playing on a Grid rules (Player's Handbook Ch. 9). If a spellcaster is not on the ground (due to ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Does Eldritch Blast’s Repelling Blast invocation push a creature downward into the ground?

If I am above a creature and cast eldritch blast with the Repelling Blast invocation, does it get hit into the ground?
mattattackpro's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Can I use Dimension Door to teleport onto the shoulders of an ally?

A friend and I are having a dispute on the wording of the spell description and mechanics behind Dimension Door. He attempted (and succeeded) in a creative use of the spell in a game he is in, and ...
Mesophar's user avatar
13 votes
1 answer

Is a starship locked in geosynchronous orbit considered "stationary" for the purpose of teleportation between ships?

Teleportation rules in Starfinder are sketchy. In combat, two ships are not moving relative to one another and Teleportation is impossible. However, if ships are stationary and not in combat, ...
Tristian's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

When casting the Control Water spell underwater, does the Part Water option create a cube of air?

The control water spell has the option to separate water and form a trench on a cubic area of up to 100 feet per side: Until the spell ends, you control any freestanding water inside an area you ...
MikeQ's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Can Tidal Wave be cast in midair?

Nowhere in the text of the spell does it say that it can't be, or that it has to be cast or water or ground. I cast it for the first time recently and the DM and another player both expressed concern ...
BCth21's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How large is the whirlpool when a Nereid uses their Shape Water (Control Water) feature?

The nereid from The Hidden Shrine of Tamoachan has a special feature called "Shape Water" (not to be confused with the shape water cantrip), which does the following: Shape Water. The ...
MikeQ's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Does the Wall of Fire spell damage creatures above it?

The Wall of Fire spell describes its "damage zone" as: One side of the wall, selected by you when you cast this spell, deals 5d8 fire damage to each creature that ends its turn within 10 ...
Jave's user avatar
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10 votes
0 answers

What range scale does a human-sized Mek-Pirate use?

Some of the really nice tech in the Mekton Workshop costs a lot. Cloaking demands to add 0.8 to the final cost multiplier for active, fire control, combat cloaking.1 And another 0.33 for a the dirty ...
Trish's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How much HP does a mountain range have?

How much HP does a mountain range have? And I don't mean a mountain, I mean a mountain range. Specifically Kondyor Massif It's technically a crater, but close enough. Basically I'm homebrewing a ...
michael griffin's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Are there any penalties for fighting in the same 5ft space?

A scenario occurred in my game tonight where the wizard used mold earth to cause a scenario of my barbarian and an opponent to be trapped in a 5x5 ft space that was 15ft down. We played it as normal, ...
Clarus_Nox's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Can archers bypass partial cover by arcing their shot?

There are two basic ways an archer fires at a target. In close quarters engagements, archers (and anyone using a projectile weapon) would likely use "direct fire", ie. fire at an angle ...
Andrendire's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Does Improved Grab pull in the grappled regardless of weight?

Reviewing the choker I noticed the default strength is only 16. It caused me to wonder if an improved grab can pull a creature up in the air even if the strength does not have enough to carry (...
joedragons's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Does the Evard's Black Tentacles spell affect the 5-foot cubes above its area?

I'm playing in a Tomb of Annihilation game, and there were some succubi that we were fighting. We had information ahead of time that a lot of them were grouped up together talking to someone, and so I ...
Borris the wizard's user avatar
20 votes
1 answer

Can you flank from above?

If a character is on top of a creature, does this count for flanking? Context: a group I play in was killing a dragon, and one of my fellow players (a fighter) grappled it and hung on to its neck. One ...
Bardic Wizard's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

How do I handle targeting and areas of effect in 3-D?

I'm totally OK with regular grid and counting squares for purposes of movement, spell and weapon targeting, and determining areas of effect. Area shapes neatly match with measurements made square-by-...
annoying imp's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Are There 3D Rules for Flying and Distance?

I recently had a problem come up in a session that I wanted to see if there was more information on. One of my players is playing a Light Domain cleric; its 1st-level Warding Flare feature says, in ...
Oxter's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

How can I effectively map a multi-level dungeon?

My players are getting awfully close to entering a multi-story pagoda dungeon that exists in my game. I think it'll be a fun adventure, but I find that I am worried about trying to map it all out for ...
Kron's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

What is the volume of a suspended cauldron?

DMG p. 255 provides the stats for siege equipment, and lists suspended cauldrons among them: A cauldron is an iron pot suspended so that it can be tipped easily, spilling its contents. Once emptied, ...
user55434's user avatar
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23 votes
4 answers

How do I calculate the volume of a given quantity of coins?

Question A rectangular chest is filled to the brim with 1,000 unevenly piled gold coins, each weighing one third of an ounce. How big is that chest? Is there a formula I can use for routinely ...
Pink Sweetener's user avatar
32 votes
4 answers

How many copper coins fit inside a cubic foot?

I have a Wizard who is level 5, currently running in a pirate campaign (homebrew), and I thought about some scams I could pull to earn the ship some extra coinage whenever we touched port to resupply ...
Bookwyrm's user avatar
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2 votes
5 answers

What is an effective system for a random shot from a ranged weapon in 3 dimensions? [closed]

A couple of times in my current campaign (D&D 5e), one of my players has elected, due to blindness, or darkness, to make a random shot in a random direction (including vertically, not just ...
CollinB's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What is the volume of one Alchemist's Fire?

After a heated argument about the size of a flask of alchemist's fire with my DM, we've reached the ruling that any and all alchemical splash weapons are one ounce vials because he's sure he read that ...
HadesHerald's user avatar
16 votes
1 answer

Can you fly over a Medium enemy creature in a 10ft tall corridor?

Let’s say you, a Medium character, are in a 5ft wide, 10ft tall corridor, and that a Medium enemy creature stands in your way. You wish to go behind the enemy creature using your fly speed (either ...
Gael L's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Does flying upward cost more movement?

Let's say an Aarakocra, with a native flying speed of 30ft, starts to fly upwards. Does her 30ft flying speed bring her to a height of 30ft or does moving up 1ft cost more than 1ft of available ...
Sent_'s user avatar
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19 votes
2 answers

Does Evard's Black Tentacles only go "up"?

Recently, I was running a game where the party was flying in an urban environment to face off against a wizard. They were all bunched together next to a building about 20' up to avoid attacks from ...
joedragons's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Good mapping tools for odd topologies [closed]

I'm looking to host a game that takes place in an asteroid terrarium traveling through interstellar space. Does anyone know of mapping software for 1) the inside of the asteroid, which resembles the ...
bob0the0mighty's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

Is there a limit on the volume of material that can be affected by the Minor Alchemy class feature?

PHB Page 119, Wizard, School of Transmutation, Minor Alchemy: For each 10 minutes you spend performing the procedure, you can transform up to 1 cubic foot of material. After 1 hour, or until you ...
SurrealAnalysis's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I determine the argument of periapsis in GURPS Space? [closed]

I am currently in the process of writing a program that generates a GURPS Space star system according to the RAW. For the final output format I intended to make plots of the orbits, thus this question ...
tschoppi's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How does Phasing interact with the Z-axis?

The glossary entry for Phasing is rather sparse, and doesn't seem to address any specific issues that could arise while phasing. Phasing: While a creature is ...
Soulrift's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Aerial combat in 3.5e

I have a player who is using a homebrew flying race to add to his heal/buff cleric's survivability. He's promising not to use it too much to his advantage, especially because none of us have any ...
George Booth's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How high can the Black Tentacles spell reach?

The spell Black Tentacles does not say how high they can reach up. Could it grab some Stirges that fly over the area of effect for example?
David Allan Finch's user avatar
5 votes
5 answers

Do creatures occupy cubic space, or are larger creatures still one square tall?

Does a large creature need to squeeze to fit into at 5' tall passageway?
Simon Withers's user avatar
13 votes
4 answers

What counts as ground for Tenser's Floating Disk?

What counts as ground for this ritual, if you have a 5x5 piece of stone/paper/metal/wood under the disk, and that is moved up, say 10 feet, would the disk phase through that stone, or hover 1 foot ...
Kedearian's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there a high limit on how high the Tenser's Floating Disk will fly?

Is there a high limit on how high the disk will fly? If i'm on it and use a move action to go "UP" how far will it go before it refuses to go any farther? I did not see any mention of high limits ...
Kedearian's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How much vertical space do a rider and mount occupy together?

How much vertical space do a rider and mount occupy together?
Iszi's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Do tall creatures have to duck elevated obstacles?

Are there rules concerning the interaction between a creature and elevated obstacles? Example: Say, you have the following. Tall Goliath (7'8") Short Gnome (3'4") Short Kenku (5'0") Short Human (...
Iszi's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Does blade barrier have to be anchored to the ground?

If I cast blade barrier, does it have to be anchored to the ground? Or can I have it float anywhere I want that it could occupy, such as cast it above me as a sort of roof of blades?
Kedearian's user avatar
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