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Questions tagged [aasimar]

For questions about the aasimar race that exists in several editions of Dungeons & Dragons. Aasimar are usually humanoids who are descended from or have a strong connection to celestial beings.

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28 votes
3 answers

Strategies for handling age of maturity dissonance for Aasimar (or other plane-touched) born to humans?

I find the fact that elves don’t reach adulthood until they are 110 relatively straightforward to work with, since the children and parents are aging at the same rate and their cultures are built ...
Jeff Fry's user avatar
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18 votes
2 answers

Would a winged Aasimar fall if it could not flap its wings?

I have a player who has an Aasimar character. My player argues that the book does not state the Aasimar has to flap its wings, and instead can hover because the wings don't use concentration. This ...
Skeither7's user avatar
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14 votes
3 answers

Can Aasimar derive from stock other than human?

Inspired by this question: Can Tieflings derive from stock other than human? Separated out from this question: Can Genasi derive from stock other than human? Crudely speaking, tieflings are half-human,...
NathanS's user avatar
  • 80.8k
13 votes
2 answers

Balance Implications of Divine Smite Doing Necrotic Damage?

I have a True Neutral Paladin that is also a Fallen Aasimar. He has fully embraced darkness, letting it into his heart and spurned his celestial heritage. He hasn't gone fully evil purely because he ...
ConfusedDM's user avatar