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Questions tagged [anydice]

For questions about, a dice probability calculator that offers probability curves for defined rolls, along with a function library for more complex calculations.

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2 votes
1 answer

"Better luck next time"-mechanic in anydice?

I am trying to create an anydice function which adds a bonus-dice to the attack-roll pool every time the attack misses. Say I have 4 attacks and roll to hit with 1d20+0d6, if I don't beat their AC of ...
Leonike Nike Sophie's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Help with counting successes with multiple target numbers

I was trying to do an analysis of counting successes using AnyDice, and the basic version of it I got without problems. However, the system I am trying to investigate uses a mix of target numbers for ...
Marcloure's user avatar
4 votes
3 answers

Help with "Roll XD12, and keep each middle dice as an individual result"

I've been playing with the idea of using 3d12, keep the middle, for skills rolls in my skirmishes (sort of simulating the curve of a 3d6 roll). But now I what to play with the idea of folding multiple ...
Dohyun Suescum's user avatar
10 votes
6 answers

Looked at a different rolling (3d6, 3d6, average) for D&D characters in AnyDice and the result didn't come out as expected. What am I missing?

One of the historical dice mechanics in AD&D that can be used is: 3d6 twice for each attribute and pick the best of each pair of rolls. Normal 3d6 once gives a mean of 10.50. Rolling two sets of ...
user3055321's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

How to plot multiple dice pool series in AnyDice

I would like to draw a graph of this in AnyDice: y-axis: percentage chance of success x-axis: number of D6 dice in the range 1-10 series a: success is at least one 4+ series b: success is at least ...
Matt Barker's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

AnyDice: How to model opposed rolls from YZE?

Year Zero Engine uses d6's dice pools. On the standard roll you throw a bunch of d6's and count 6's as succesess. One is enough, but 2 and more can give you additional results (such as additional ...
Iver Cold's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Successive, conditional opposed rolls (anydice)

I am trying to model some probabilities for a pretty basic tabletop RPG mechanic. I have been searching for two days and trying to make this work myself, but my function-fu is weak, so I seek the aid ...
Owen Montgomery's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Opposing dice pools for successes

I’m working with AnyDice trying to figure out how to do an opposed roll between an attacker and a defender, each using separate pools of d6s, where the attacker succeeds >=4 and the defender ...
Biomage's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How to simulate d616 on Anydice?

In Marvel Multiverse Role-Playing Game, the players roll d616. It means that they roll 3d6, but: One die has a different color, its 1 counts as a 6 and it's called the Marvel die, which would mean <...
Ciro Luna's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

AnyDice - Complicated Stat Distribution

I'm trying to model average stat distributions for characters based on what a friend sent me: Balanced Stat Roll Roll 4d6 drop lowest five times. Count them together and deduct the total from 72. The ...
Cycanis's user avatar
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5 votes
3 answers

Count successes in pools of stepped dice

I tried to find this but my google-fu fails me. This is a mechanic similar to Blade Runner or Twilight 2000 RPG. For any action, the player rolls 2 dice which could range from 2d6 to 2d12 or anything ...
HugoB's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Help with AnyDice for custom system

Can someone please provide guidance on how to make my system work within AnyDice? The gist is: player stats dictate how many dice in a pool of d8s are rolled, if they have gear or skills proficiencies,...
atohmik's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Anydice help with irregular dice pool [duplicate]

Here's the gist of it: I roll a number of different size die like 2d6, 2d8 and 1d12, looking for the highest die. I found a nifty Anydice program that helped me understand the probabilities like this. ...
HugoB's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How can you calculate the likelihood of getting a set of stats or better when rolling 4d6 drop lowest?

If I have a given set of character stats from rolling with "4d6, drop lowest", how can I calculate the probability of getting that specific result, or better values for each of them? For ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Anydice: Number of successes when dice can be boosted

Trying to run some statistics on anydice and I'm getting an odd result. Figure something must be wrong with my code but I can't find it. My situation is this: Player rolls 4d6 and drops lowest. They ...
Josh Christofferson's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Anydice: when to use sequence and when to use die as a function parameter?

Anydice is a useful online tool that can help answer questions about dice probabilities. It allows the user to define functions. A special effect of functions is that when they are given a die or dice ...
Nobody the Hobgoblin's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

Anydice question involving pools and points to modify failures

Been trying to figure this out and it's just not coming to me. Hoping it's possible with anydice... So the player has a dice pool of 6d6. Success on a 5 or 6. That's easy enough to model. But I also ...
Josh Christofferson's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

AnyDice code for rolling pools of dice, ignoring all 6s, and adding up the remainder; whoever rolls highest wins

I'm trying to ascertain the probabilities of the following pool system. If anyone could crunch some numbers in AnyDice so much the better. Two opponents roll a pool of d6. These pools vary from 1-10. ...
HugoB's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

How to include pushed roll chances in anydice?

D6 dice pool from 0 to 6 where resolving 0 is rolling 2 dice and counting the lower result only. Rolling 5 or 6 means a hit. Rolling 1 is a mishap. Degrees of Success: Failure: no hits at all Mixed ...
EarendilOrbit's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

How does success chance change when a certain die result counts as multiple partial successes?

Dice mechanism: count wins (> 4) of [Mod]d6 (AnyDice). Mod ranges from 1 to 10. Difficulty ranges from 1-10, 1 being trivial, 3 being moderate, 5 being difficult, and 6-10 being ever increasingly ...
Fictotum's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How does the probability of success change by increasing the size of roll & keep dice pools or altering the difficulty number?

I want to better understand impact on probability of success granted by stat increases with the following dice mechanism: $$ \text{Dice Test} = \text{Roll}\ [3 + \text{STAT}]\text{d}6 : \text{Keep ...
Fictotum's user avatar
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10 votes
4 answers

Anydice: Reroll the lowest of 3d10 and keep the middle one

In a game I'm designing, usually you roll 3d10 and then keep the middle value. Example: If you roll 1, 2, and 10, your result is 2. In anydice this is easy to calculate: ...
Kyalur's user avatar
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1 vote
3 answers

How does this 2D6 probability math make sense?

I have a question about understanding the math to a previous question I had posed (answered successfully). Link at the bottom. The question is how does it make sense that rolling a 2D6 Die consisting ...
Keith Plunske's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Using to calculate Non traditional dice combinations

I am not learned enough to figure this out alone. Not yet at least. I am trying to figure out how to use to get probabilities of two different situations with dice. The main question is ...
Keith Plunske's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

In Anydice, how can I model nd10 where 8–10 counts as successes and 10s explode?

(Did some searching on SE and couldn’t find an answer…) Trying to model nd10 where 8..10 count as successes and 10s explode. output [count {8..10} in 3d10] ^ works ...
Zakarius Jay Poggenpohl's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How to model a roll against a "difficulty roll" in AnyDice?

I'm working on a custom ttrpg system and I've noticed a lot of answers to questions in here regarding AnyDice. You would roll two die (such as a d6 and a d8) against a third die of any size up to a ...
Nekraen's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

Trying to calculate "Emphasis roll" on

I see two answers on this board for the "Emphasis roll" mechanic and neither of them match how the Emphasis rolls work. The idea behind the Emphasis roll is that you roll 2 d20's and take ...
Brad Allison's user avatar
3 votes
4 answers

Anydice - Roll a d20 under target number but beat an opposed die

Curious about the following Anydice formula. I’d like to know how to calculate what it would look like to roll a d20 UNDER a specific target number (lets say 14 or 10), but also have that d20 still ...
Leberus's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Converting dice faces into one another in Anydice

System In this system, we'll be rolling only two custom d6s to determine the outcomes. Each d6 can show 3 types of symbols that we are calling A (bad outcome), B (good outcome), and C (null, but can ...
Dodecaheye's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to combine multiple outputs in AnyDice?

I have a situation where I will be making four attacks that do different amounts of damage over the course of a round. I have the average damage of each of them(including the likelihood of missing ...
SummoningSpark's user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Why won't AnyDice let me store dice rolls in variables?

I'm trying to emulate a "Fate-like" distribution that imitates 1d6-1d6. That's not really the point, so much as I don't understand the error it gives me. ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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4 votes
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How to use AnyDice to properly calculate using Sneak Attack with multiple attacks?

I am trying to create a damage percentage study on for a 5e Rogue using both an Attack and a Bonus Action attack with two different weapons. Most of this is pretty straightforward, in that ...
Buckley's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

Anydice cancelling dice

I'm trying a program on Anydice that uses d6s where 1-3 = minor success, and 4-6 = major success. After the roll of 1 to 3 of these, you roll a different d6 where on a 5 or 6 you cancel (Nix) a minor ...
Dodecaheye's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

How to compute consecutive condition tests used in Warhammer with AnyDice

I try to simulate the Warhammer mechanic with AnyDice. In this specific example I would like to calculate the chances of a character model to produce X not saved wounds attacking X times. Which is ...
artkoenig's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

AnyDice: Limited exploding dice

I'm trying to write a custom explode function, which has a limit on the number of rerolls available. A basic limit of limiting the number of rerolls per die is easy enough. The problem is trying to ...
dsmith's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How to calculate the probability to roll a specific pattern with Y dice and Z rerolls?

I'm working on a dice-heavy RPG, and trying to model a generic AnyDice function to calculate the probability of rolling a specific desired result for dice faces, such as "At least 3 dice with ...
Nimbrod's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

How do I create BLeeM's "Emphasis Rolls" on Anydice?

Just came across this rolling mechanic in my feed, and wanted to see an actual results table out of curiosity: For the link averse: Roll 2d20, ...
Dylan Rich's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

AnyDice function to reroll one die if any die rolls X

I’m by no stretch of the imagination any sort of programming type, but I’ve been trying to use AnyDice to rank all the possible ways the die rolls can be modified in the board game HeroQuest. The ...
DracRTC's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

How can you get AnyDice to add a flat value to a roll while calculating the "drop lowest" appropriately?

I'm trying to calculate the values for 4d4 drop lowest 1 and add 6. ...
Dorian's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

With, how can I get the middle 5 from a roll of 7d4?

I want to roll 7d4, and drop the highest and the lowest results. I know I can get the second highest with output 2@7d4, so I thought it would be something like <...
Luke's user avatar
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4 votes
5 answers

Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers)

I'm trying to generate a complex probability table for a dice pool with between 1--14 D6. The table will contain the probability of success and of critical failure, given a number of D6 rolled and a ...
ThetaHanse's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

AnyDice: Savage World but with an Exploding dice instead of 4

So I'm exploring some mechanics and I want to use Exploding Rolls, similar to Savage World, but I'm curious about the statistics of also having an exploding difficulty. For example: I roll 1d6 and 1d8,...
Pedro Costa's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

AnyDice: How can I compare highest roll of two dices with another result?

My question is that I want a system where I am always rolling 2 dices (let's say 1d4 & 1d8) to get the highest result of these two. Then, roll the difficulty with another dice (let's say 1d6) and ...
Pedro Costa's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Anydice: "highest 1 of 3d6 1d12" function. Is this correct?

Would anyone that's anydice savvy take a look at this formula and tell if its correct for what I want to do? The idea is that it returns the highest value among the results of rolling three 6-sided ...
Victor Julio Hurtado's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

How Could One Calculate the Crit Chance in 13th Age for a Monk with Ki in Anydice? (If It Is At All Possible)

In 13th Age a critical is achieved when you roll a natural 20 on a d20. The Monk class has a few features that can fundamentally change its potential to crit. First off, a Monk using bare hands to ...
Stripe_dog's user avatar
9 votes
5 answers

I need a 'standard array' for a D&D-like homebrew game, but anydice chokes - how to proceed?

So, I'm working on a homebrew RPG that is similar to several FRPs that use 3d6 sorts of starting values for attributes/characteristics. I know how to calculate the standard D&D (5E or other) '...
user3055321's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

ANYDICE: How to roll 3d6 and in case 2 of them are a 6, add an exploded 1d6 to the result?

Pretty much the question. I tried the following: ...
Aralkis's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Simulating "Heart: The City Beneath" dice using Anydice

I like to design systems and break apart games to learn stuff, and Anydice is a great tool I have been using for a while. However I am looking at some Heart rolls and it appears Anydice is giving me ...
Hexling's user avatar
  • 93
2 votes
1 answer

AnyDice: Count successes plus a limited number of easier successes

I've been searching around but haven't yet found how to get this average out of AnyDice. Players roll a pool of d6s. Normally, a success is counted on a 4, 5, or 6. However, there's a condition a ...
Jackson Green's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Anydice: Counting Successes on dice and rerolling any (+ bonus dice) below the target of 6 on d6's

I'm trying to model the roll and reroll probabilities of skill checks in Coriolis RPG. Here the skill rolls use a pool of d6, and you count how many 6 you rolled. You can optionally reroll any dice ...
Andy's user avatar
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