Questions tagged [cadillacs-and-dinosaurs]

Cadillacs and Dinosaurs is an RPG based on the comic book setting of the same name. It was published by GDW in 1990.

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1 vote
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Which Twilight 2000 rules system did GDW's Cadillacs and Dinosaurs game use?

I believe there have been three versions of the Twilight 2000 rules. There was the first edition. Then Twilight 2000 version 2. And then they updated this book to Version 2.2 to make it compatible ...
4 votes
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Who holds the license for Cadillacs & Dinosaurs? [closed]

Science Fiction and Fantasy: Who holds the license for Cadillacs & Dinosaurs? Who currently owns the Cadillacs & Dinosaurs/Xenozoic Tales license? (Or, how can I find out who does?)