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Questions tagged [character-creation]

For questions primarily about character creation (also: character generation or character design), the process of making a character whose role the player will assume. Character creation is about realizing the concept of the character within the options and rules of the RPG system.

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3 votes
1 answer

Is this an accurate interpretation of the elasticity magus arcana?

Now I admit this is kind of flimsy but I wanted to double check just to be sure. Kapenia Dancer Arcana: A kapenia dancer gains access to the following magus arcana. He cannot select any arcana more ...
Masakan's user avatar
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0 votes
1 answer

Does the kapania dancers' elasticity arcana allowthe bladed scarf to quality for the tangled limbs feat?

I just want to double check because everything I'm looking at as well as prior knowledge is pointing to yes, but it never hurts to double check ya know?
Masakan's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to swap my longbow from being a ranger for a shortbow?

I'm playing as a fairy ranger in the next game I'm in. I can't use a longbow because I'm a fairy, and therefore small. Can I trade it for a shortbow before the game starts? That's pretty much all I ...
Tasi's user avatar
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-2 votes
2 answers

How many skill proficiences does an Outlander dragonborn warlock have?

I just need a bit of help. I'm trying to figure out how many skill proficiencies I should have being a silver dragonborn warlock with the Outlander background.
Tom Zachary Anderson's user avatar
-4 votes
1 answer

By 5e RAW, is there any way short of Wish, to become a playable sandwich?

Inspired by the old 3e/3.5e "psionic sandwich", I was trying to determine whether such a character could be created by 5e rules. A few base criteria seem important: • Tasty. (If you can't ...
ProphetZarquon's user avatar
6 votes
1 answer

Character movement if either DEX or STR equal to SIZ and the other one greater than SIZ?

According to RAW: Movement Rate (MOV) An investigator can move a number of yards (or meters) up to five times their MOV value in one round. If both DEX and STR are each less than SIZ: MOV 7 If either ...
raven's user avatar
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16 votes
6 answers

What ways can a pure martial get Find Familiar at level 1?

I want to have a familiar on a character of a class without access to Spellcasting or Pact Magic features, and I want this to occur at level 1. The way I know how to do it is with a feat that gives ...
John Richards II's user avatar
-6 votes
3 answers

What is the highest possible damage under these conditions in 5e [closed]

I want to make a punishment for my characters should they do something that’s too evil, even within the world of our campaign. But to avoid a “rocks fall you die” or divine intervention bc they’re ...
SomeoneWithAReallyLongName's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is a Grey paladin of Asmodeus possible?

So, I came up with a concept for an NPC character for pathfinder 1.e that involved a grey paladin with the pact servant trait not just being basically a pseudo hellknight, but being a direct worshiper ...
Masakan's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Paladin/Warlock Multiclass [closed]

I am playing a Leonin Paladin/2 and thinking of multiclassing into Warlock. Just wondering if A. if it is a good idea B. what Patron would work best C. if I should how many levels should I put in?
Urmgurm0114's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

Character creation focused TTRPG [closed]

Are there TTRPGs such as "The quiet year", "The ground itself" and "Microscope" but with a focus on giving a history and depth to a character instead of a place? I ...
Emiel Lanckriet's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can stonebows fire alchemical sling bullets and alchemist's bullets?

Now I'm like 90% sure this is a yes but i wanted to double check, because i kinda realized that an alchemist with a stonebow, rapid reload and concentrated splash can lob sling bullets filled with ...
Masakan's user avatar
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3 votes
2 answers

How would a repeater crossbow work for an alchemist?

I've been thinking about making a build that prioritizes the use of explosive missile and mercurial oil to fire off highly damaging single shots at long ranged basically becoming a mini ballista. That ...
Masakan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Seeking Advice on an Artificer Build for a Level 1 Campaign

I'm gearing up to embark on a long-term D&D 3.5 campaign starting from level 1, and I've set my sights on playing an Artificer. However, I'm contemplating a multiclass build to add some ...
SoyMavi's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Are there any good-aligned sexuality-related Outsiders that aren't arshea?

Are there any good-aligned sexuality-related Outsiders that aren't arshea? I'm asking because I wanted a suitable outsider for planar mentor, and no matter what I looked up, I could never find one ...
Masakan's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How to role play a character with low constitution in DND [closed]

So I have rolled up stats for a new character in one of my friend's campaigns. I am a ranger, and the party is stuck in a forest. As such I am "the leader of the party". As it stands the ...
Milo Armendariz's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How would you go about building a paladin of arshea?

Now I know how controversial arshea can be as a deity so this is more of a theory crafting exercise then anything that would be used in an actual campaign. But I found this interesting because arshea ...
Masakan's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Species Skills (and Talents) in Character Creation

On page 36, the following is presented: Each Species has a variety of Skills and Talents to choose from. You may choose 3 Skills to gain 5 Advances each, and 3 Skills to gain 3 Advances each. If a ...
javafueled's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there any way i can nerf this Grenadier Alchemist build without sacrificing its core gameplan?

Weird question I know, but I've been scratching my head with this build thinking it might be a bit too powerful at least in the early stages of a campaign. Grenadier Traits: Enduring Mutagen, Firebug ...
Masakan's user avatar
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29 votes
5 answers

Is "1d10 rerolling 1&2" equivalent to "1d8+2"?

Good old Cyberpunk 2020, 2nd edition, 2nd printing, offers two versions of rolling for statistics to players because point-Buy without rolling is for referees only. They read: Random: Roll 9d10 and ...
Trish's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

When should/can a player offer flavour suggestions over mechanics during character creation?

I made a character for a campaign that fell through about a year ago or so, but loved the concept so much that I wanted to revise it in broader strokes so it would be ready to personalize into another ...
Victor B's user avatar
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17 votes
8 answers

Player has a great character Idea, But it seems difficult to balance

I have recently started a small scenario with a couple friends which have all come up with interesting character ideas. But one player in particular has something really... exotic. Basically he plays ...
Feideus's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

What powers can a psion select?

I'm creating my first psionic character using D&D 3.5's Expanded Psionics Handbook. The character is a level 1 psion whose discipline is psychoportation (and therefore is a "nomad"). I ...
indigochild's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is is balanced to swap "Built for Success" for "Fey Ancestry"?

I am looking to create a homebrew race for a Quadrone, and the best place to start is with an existing race. With that in mind I have found the Autognome (Astral Adventurer's Guide) and it has several ...
SeriousBri's user avatar
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-1 votes
2 answers

Can I have a Lawful Evil Paladin with his justification being its the word of his god? [closed]

I'm thinking of having a lawful evil Paladin whose reason for being evil is it is the word of his god. Would this work? Is this a good idea?
Sam's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Nymph's Kiss as a first-level character

Nymph's Kiss is a feat from the Book of Exalted Deeds that states, among other things: Starting with the level when you take this feat, you gain 1 extra skill point per level. If I take this feat on ...
SonGuhun's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Highest damage touch spells by level?

So I'm currently playing a Gestalt game - and have selected Barbarian and Wizard as my classes (Don't worry - me being iliterate doesn't actually stop me from casting read magic, I checked... and we ...
Pacattack's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can a Dex-based Aberrant Mind sorcerer/paladin do better than Mage Armor?

A friend of mine is building an Eladrin Aberrant Mind sorcerer/Oath of Devotion paladin, but has decided to be Dex-based and not wear heavy armor. Most sorcadin guides we can find just assume heavy ...
KRyan's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Is there a mechanical disadvantage or taboo with creating an underaged character?

Maybe I have overthought this before posting, but I have a nagging feeling that I might be missing a piece of mechanics or social taboo that addresses this topic. I am interested in playing a ...
Victor B's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Can I put all points in one ability with customized origins?

I was making a mountain dwarf monk in dnd beyond and was able to get my dex up to 19 at level one, using point buy and customized origins (it allowed me to put both initial ASIs on dex). This seems ...
Gabriel De Oliveira Caetano's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Does being a Fey creature type offer any advantages? [duplicate]

In the book Mordenkainen Presents: Monsters of the Multiverse (MPMM), many creatures are classed as Fey, some that were not classed as fey now are, namely the Changeling. However with things like ...
ItsScottish's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Can you build a lineage from a lineage?

While searching for more details on the limitations imposed on ancestral lineages, I came across this answer from Thomas Markov where he included Fairies and Dhampirs as possible sources for flight ...
Victor B's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Can I build a level 1 character with an uncommon weapon if they have access to it?

I'm looking to join a local Pathfinder Society game, and I'd like to rebuild a character from a failed AP. They are a gymnast swashbuckler that uses a bladed scarf as their primary weapon. What I'm ...
Aria Nicholas's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

maximize AC with full plate and tower shield

I know the max AC is without armor. monk / fist of the forest / sorcerer / cha / con / dex to ac etc./ polymorph and spells. +-114AC I would like to know of way's to max up AC with full plate. For a ...
lennert nonhof's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Do starting intelligence flaws reduce the starting skill count

The Iruxi ancestry has an ability flaw in Intelligence, which means that Iruxi characters who didn't take a boost somewhere else would have a negative Intelligence modifier at level 1. Every class in ...
papidave's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

How is starting wealth (money) chart determined for Ultramodern 5 Redux?

I recently got the PDF and Book for Ultramodern 5 Redux. I can't seem to find a starting wealth (money) chart; is there one? If not, is there an simple alternate system (like how D20 Modern had a ...
Jhyarelle Silver's user avatar
9 votes
0 answers

Does the breed of a feline influence the house of an excellent Cat like it does for dogs in Pugmire?

Welcome to the Royal Lands of the Monarchies of Mau, traveller! Here, the cats reign, and most belong to the Houses Angora, Cymrik, Korat, Mau, Rex, and Siberian, or any of the smaller noble houses ...
Trish's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Is my character who worships Gruumsh more likely to speak Infernal, Celestial, or Abyssal?

I'm making a half-orc cleric that worships Gruumsh, and the half-orc knows how to speak the language that Gruumsh speaks (besides Common and Orc). Would he speak Celestial, Infernal, or Abyssal?
TieflingDragon84's user avatar
-5 votes
1 answer

Rate my build - 5e New to DND need advice [closed]

Point Spread: Attribute /Ability Score/ Racial Bonus/ Total Score/ Ability Modifier/ Strength /8/ /0/ /8/ /-1/ Dexterity /15/ /2/ /17/ /+3/ Constitution /15/ /0/ /15/ /+2/ Intelligence /10/ /0/ /10/ /...
Chris Wilson's user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

How can I optimize my net/dart wielder?

I'm optimizing a character that uses nets to immobilize and darts to deal damage. The character will be holding a shield, so bonus action offhand throwing is not really a consideration. What is the ...
Party._Rocker's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

How to get the most types of breath weapons?

I want to make a build with as many breath attacks as possible. What I have come up with so far is Dragonborn and draconic ancestry sorcerer. I would prefer if it would end out being the like avatar ...
MEE5's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

DM is asking me to drop my character because it is from A Song of Ice and Fire

Background I have started playing with a new group in a new D&D campaign. I have been reading the A Song of Ice and Fire books and really liked the Greyjoy plotlines, so I decided to make my ...
NielIGuess's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

How to start Role Playing as a complete group of beginners? [closed]

As the title says, we are a group of 4 complete beginners in Role Playing but we are very determined to start by one or two sessions. We thought of using the D&D system, with everyone preparing ...
Guigzer's user avatar
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15th-level gestalt stealth master build help

I am trying to make a character for a combat heavy, largely PvP game, with 15th-level gestalt characters. The concept that I have in mind is some sort of Jack-of-All-Trades-y Wizard/Rogue class, with ...
TheDragonOfFlame's user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How to deal with an overpowered player whose level 1 stats are 18's and 19's, with a 25 in strength

I've recently started a new D&D 5e campaign that is mainly roleplaying focused. One of my players is playing a barbarian gnome, and rolled all of their stats... and got a 25 for strength (and 18's ...
metror's user avatar
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4 votes
1 answer

Pathfinder 2e help with a kobold draconic instinct barbarian build [closed]

Hello all I'm new to Pathfinder 2e and wanted to make a melee kobold barbarian with Dragon Instinct for the Crown of the Kobold King adventure. I'm not sure if its viable? We are using point by in the ...
Darth Leere's user avatar
11 votes
9 answers

How to handle rolled stats when I think one player cheated on theirs?

My group uses 4d6 drop lowest for stat generation. The other players feel that the rolled stats of one of the other players are 'too good' in comparison to their rolls and I'm not certain that they ...
Argo's user avatar
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3 votes
3 answers

What kind of disadvantages can I expect while building a supporting Player Character with low Dexterity?

I am building a Duegar Alchemist with a Folk Hero background who's inspired by the support/utility role builds I have been hearing and reading about. In other words, a character who focuses more on ...
Victor B's user avatar
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9 votes
5 answers

I need a 'standard array' for a D&D-like homebrew game, but anydice chokes - how to proceed?

So, I'm working on a homebrew RPG that is similar to several FRPs that use 3d6 sorts of starting values for attributes/characteristics. I know how to calculate the standard D&D (5E or other) '...
user3055321's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is there a correct way to transfer the gloaming race from 3rd edition to 5th edition?

I've been playing in a 3rd edition campaign for quite a long time and the DM has recently decided that they would like to continue in 5th edition. My character in this campaign is a gloaming which is ...
Argo's user avatar
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