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5 votes
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Does a braced spear have to only be readied specifically against a charge to deal double damage?

Let's say I'm holding a spear (or halberd, or urgrosh, or any other weapon that can be braced) and ready an action to attack the next enemy that comes within reach. If someone charges me, triggering ...
StephenTG's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Immobilized creature doesn't want to pay; can he charge instead?

Here is the situation that has come up often in our group: A creature is immobilized(save ends) at the start of its turn. As no enemies are adjacent, its options are limited. The creature readies a ...
Pat Ludwig's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

How does a readied action triggered on movement adjacent to an ally work when an enemy charges?

A readied action is an Immediate Reaction. A charge is a movement with an attack at the end. Suppose the following case: A PC charged with protecting his party's wizard does not want to move away ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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