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Questions tagged [counterspelling]

For questions about counterspelling, a mechanic in many role-playing games that allows a character to reactively disrupt another spellcaster's spell as it is being cast in order to prevent it from taking effect.

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8 votes
2 answers

Will it break Counterspell if the trigger becomes "perceive" instead of "see"?

The trigger for counterspell is originally: which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell For a player character that is blind, I want to change it to this: which you ...
Vylix's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Can you combine Arcanist's Counterspell Exploit with Dispel Magic

I was wondering if Dispel Magic can be used with Counterspell Exploit feature instead of same level / same level +1 spell slot in counterspelling attempt... the same way it can already by used ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Can a spell cast from a Spellwrought Tattoo be counterspelled?

By D&D 5e rules, is a spell cast from a spellwrought tattoo subject to someone else casting counterspell against it?
Pablo's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can a spell cast using the Cartomancer feat's Hidden Ace feature be Counterspelled?

The Cartomancer feat includes the Hidden Ace feature (The Book of Many Things, p. 49), which lets you imbue a spell into a card and later cast it. Of course, there’s dissension about whether or not ...
Mighty Flea's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Divine Defiance Feat Mechanics: Spell Slot Expenditure Clarification

Regarding the Divine Defiance feat from Fiendish Codex II: Tyrants of the Nine Hells (p. 83), the text states: You can spend one of your turn or rebuke undead attempts as an immediate action to ...
SoyMavi's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Can I counterspell with a Dispel Magic Spell-Like Ability?

Spell-like abilities cannot be used to counterspell, nor can they be counterspelled. Says PHB. Counterspell: When dispel magic is used in this way, the spell targets a spellcaster and is cast as a ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

If the verbal component of a spell isn't visible, can it be Counterspelled?

The Casting Time description of Counterspell states. 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell I am playing a spell-caster who almost always wears a ...
Miles Packham's user avatar
11 votes
1 answer

Formulas from Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos - can they be Counterspelled?

Formulas in Sandy Petersen's Cthulhu Mythos are similar to Rituals with a few key differences. Like Rituals they can be cast without a spell slot, and you can also use spells slots to cast them (...
mkdir's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Does a Counterspelled spell break Sanctuary?

Let's say I've cast Hold Person on an enemy while protected by Sanctuary. Enemy Counterspells, making the save for my Sanctuary and successfully countering my spell. Does this break my Sanctuary? For ...
Gilalar's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Innate spellcasting x / day: is it x attempts or x successful casts?

The party, which includes a bard and a wizard both with counterspell, will soon be facing a marid. The marid's total time on the battlefield will likely largely depend on whether or not he is able to ...
Kirt's user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Can a Knowledge cleric using the Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts feature to cast the Suggestion spell be perceived, for the purposes of Counterspell?

The Knowledge Domain cleric's Channel Divinity: Read Thoughts feature (PHB, p. 59-60) lets you read a creature's surface thoughts, and states that while you do so: During that time, you can use your ...
Øystein Stensen's user avatar
12 votes
1 answer

Can you counterspell a cantrip by casting a cantrip?

The Counterspell feat lets spellcasters counteract a foe that is Casting a Spell, as long as they have the spell prepared and they can see it being cast, via expending that same spell. What if an ...
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6 votes
1 answer

Can a Pact of the Chain familiar use the help action with counterspell?

I've been trying to find an answer to whether or not a Pact of the Chain familiar can give you advantage on counterspell. I can't find anything directly answering this. I have found that a chainlock ...
SilasNailo's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn?

If my understanding is correct, a successful Counterspell not only negates the spell effect of the receiving caster, but also burns their spell slot. So if Bob the Bard attempts to cast Mass Healing ...
Rickz's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Is this Control Magic homebrew spell balanced? (Spell-stealing counterspell)

I based this off of Counterspell, with higher level requirement as it seems to me that it is generally a more useful spell. Control Magic Fifth level abjuration Casting Time: 1 reaction, when you see ...
Skyler's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

How can this statue on Level 23 of the "Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage" adventure be destroyed?

On page 290 of the adventure Waterdeep: Dungeon of the Mad Mage (area 1 of Level 23), there exists a statue with the following description: Given the following facts: Is it impossible to destroy the ...
Curl's user avatar
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15 votes
2 answers

Gaining the maximum bonus to your Counterspell check?

Counterspell checks are unmodified Ability Checks made when the spell you are attempting to stop is higher level than your Counterspell: If it is casting a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ...
JFreeman's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Faking a spell in order to make an enemy caster waste a counterspell [closed]

Wizards are smart and sorcerers are cunning, and their power is pretty directly tied to how many spell slots they have remaining. As such, losing one to a counterspell can turn the tides of a battle ...
robbie crockett's user avatar
17 votes
3 answers

Can you Counterspell a magic item?

Let's say the bad guy has a Wand of Fireballs, and wants to blast the party with it. To do so, they must: ...use an action to expend 1 or more of its charges to cast the fireball spell ... The party ...
aaron9eee's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Counterspelling with a lower-level spell

I'm curious about the utility of counterspelling with low level spells, if one chooses to feat for it. Particularly the feasibility of keeping low-level spells prepared specifically for use as ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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6 votes
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How does the Ring of Greater Counterspells interact with the Mordenkainen's Disjunction spell?

When dealing with other spells that a Wizard really doesn't want to be caught unaware by, I see the Ring of Greater Counterspells recommended as near-mandatory equipment. Yet, in discussions of ...
J. Mini's user avatar
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10 votes
3 answers

Can you counterspell Greater Teleport with the Teleport spell?

In our game, the arcane caster went on hold to counterspell Teleport of a demon to stop it escaping at the last moment (unknown to the player the demon had the greater version). Can you counterspell ...
Bucket's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can you use Order of Scribes: Manifest Mind feature to prevent counterspell?

Pretty straightforward question: as per feature's description, I can cast a spell as if I were in the place of my Awakened spellbook. So, using this feature, and being 60 feet from enemy spellcaster, ...
Cezaryx's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

How do Dispel Magic and Counterspell interact with a spell cast through the Ascendant Dragon-Touched Focus as though it were 9th level?

Counterspell and dispel magic call for an ability check if the target spell is 4th level or higher: If it is casting a spell of 4th level or higher, make an ability check using your spellcasting ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
5 votes
0 answers

Twinned counterspell against multiple reactions [duplicate]

Wizard uses Magic Missiles on two opponents. Both opponents are using the Shield. The sorcerer uses Twinned spell on counterspell to counter the Shield. Can a sorcerer do that? I'm not sure if ...
Владимир Белаш's user avatar
17 votes
1 answer

Does casting Counterspell on one's own turn contradict the '1-non-cantrip-spell per turn' rule?

I've read both the question Casting multiple spells in a single round and the question Is it possible to cast multiple spells per turn? about using multiple spells on my turn. I know there are plenty ...
MakePeaceGreatAgain's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Does Darkness dispel Luminous armor?

The spell Darkness (PHB p. 216) reads: Darkness counters or dispels any light spell of equal or lower spell level. In our last session a drow used his Darkness spell-like ability against the ...
Giorin's user avatar
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3 answers

Can one use Witch Bolt to prevent spell casting?

Witch bolt seems to have a bad rap. One difference I see between witch bolt and other spells is that it is sustained/continued/ongoing damage. If I spam a spell caster with fire bolts, magic missiles ...
Lurker's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can you use a quickened metamagic rod to counterspell?

A few assumptions: A character can counterspell most spells with Dispel Magic unless otherwise stated Counterspell: When dispel magic is used in this way, the spell targets a spellcaster and is cast ...
Erin B's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Can you Counterspell a spell cast using a Ring of Spell Storing? [duplicate]

Is a spell cast using a Ring of Spell Storing observable, in the sense that you could Counterspell it? Or is it essentially same as if you cast a spell using something like a Sorcerer's Subtle Spell ...
WakiNadiVellir's user avatar
9 votes
1 answer

Does the ability check DC of Dispel Magic scale with the slot level or the original level of the spell cast?

We just played our weekly game and one of our PCs cast dispel magic and we got confused with the wording of the DC to dispel. Is the rise in DC based on the spell slot level used or the normal level ...
Guyhero218's user avatar
0 votes
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Can a Familiar allow you to avoid verbal and somatic components?

if I cast a spell and choose for it to come through my familiar, would I still have to do verbal and somatic components? what about material? would people be able to see the casting? could it still be ...
EMTGO's user avatar
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27 votes
7 answers

If Booming Blade or Green Flame Blade are counterspelled, does the attack still go through?

Booming Blade says: As part of the action used to cast this spell, you must make a melee attack with a weapon against one creature within the spell's range. Counterspell reads: You attempt to ...
Dezvul's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Does Favored by the Gods work with counterspell rolls?

I was trying to counterspell power word kill and needed the extra rolls. Does Favored by the Gods work with counterspell rolls?
xCamix's user avatar
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1 answer

How does Counterspell interact with the Detect Magic spell?

If a character casts Counterspell against Detect Magic as it is being cast, will the caster of Detect Magic know this, or will they think there is no magic present for the duration of the spell? Does ...
Dave's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does counterspell require seeing the casting or the caster? [duplicate]

Counterspell: Casting Time: 1 reaction, which you take when you see a creature within 60 feet of you casting a spell What does "you see" refer to, the creature or the casting of a spell? ...
WakiNadiVellir's user avatar
12 votes
2 answers

Is there a work around for Counterspell and Identifying a spell both using a reaction?

In order to Identify a spell being cast (XGtE p85) a character can use their reaction to identify a spell as it's being cast, This is a problem because Counterspell (PH p228) also requires a ...
Sam Lacrumb's user avatar
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2 votes
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Should magic items which allow to cast spells be considered as material components? [duplicate]

For using Counterspell, a spell needs to contain some kind of component, otherwise it cant be countered. When casting spells from ...
Kireban's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

What ways exist to prevent Counterspell from being cast?

What ways can a character (PC or Monster) prevent an enemy from casting counterspell? What I can think of so far: Surprise the enemy and win initiative Cause the enemy to be incapacitated (or stunned/...
user avatar
5 votes
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How do Counterspell and Legendary Resistance interact with a critical hit on a spell attack?

I was wondering about something in D&D 5e: About Counterspell If my sorcerer casts a spell and rolls a natural 20 against a magic user (a normal NPC or a boss), can they counterspell it? Or is ...
Christina's user avatar
2 votes
0 answers

Can you execute your ready action in the same turn it was readied? [duplicate]

Is it possible for a spellcaster to ready a fireball when he is out of view, move into line of sight and release it in the same turn , without giving the opposing spellcaster the chance to ...
Luca Viorel's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

Is counterspelling a warlock different?

My question is about something that happens in S2E98 of Critical Role (potential spoilers if you haven't watched it yet). In the episode, the wizard attempts to counterspell a dimension door spell. ...
findusl's user avatar
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31 votes
4 answers

Should the DM describe NPC spellcasting so that players can use Counterspell?

Going into battle, standing in front of a medusa and 2 nagas. I have line of sight on all 3. The DM says to make wisdom saving throw, without describing why. After failing the saving throw, I'm mind ...
Devon Grover's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How does the Disguise Spell feat work against counterspelling?

If my bard with the feat Disguise Spell (Complete Adventurer 108) is the victor in the opposed check (my bard's Perform skill check against onlookers' Spot skill checks) can the spell he cast still be ...
Watson's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Can I pretend to be casting from a spell scroll, but instead cast normally, or vice versa?

The strategy I am working on a tactic for my artificer (battlesmith) for combating mages which focuses on out-sustaining their spell slots. To do so he asked a companion (the cleric in the party) to ...
Dezvul's user avatar
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7 votes
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When casting Counterspell, do I know if the other spell is an action or bonus action?

Related to What do I know, when deciding whether to cast Counterspell?, except that my particular question isn't included in that question. I've been thinking of ways to counter counterspell. ...
Dezvul's user avatar
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Is the Chronomancer Wizard's Rewind feature triggered if their spell is counterspelled?

The Chronomancer wizard archetype gains the ability to reclaim ineffective spells using the Rewind feature: As an immediate action after losing a spell due to a failed concentration check or after ...
Ifusaso 'he-him''s user avatar
22 votes
1 answer

If an Eldritch Knight's cantrip is counterspelled, can they still make a bonus-action weapon attack from the War Magic feature?

The Eldritch Knight fighter's War Magic feature (PHB, pg. 75) states: Beginning at 7th level, when you use your action to cast a cantrip, you can make one weapon attack as a bonus action. (The ...
Eternallord66's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

If somebody Counterspells a Counterspell, is the original spell cast successfully? [duplicate]

Assume Caster A casts fireball. Assume Caster B casts counterspell on A's fireball using his reaction. Now Caster A can use his reaction and also cast counterspell on Caster B's counterspell. Does ...
Drunken Commoner's user avatar
21 votes
1 answer

Is there a way to counterspell a level 20 druid?

At level 20, Druids get access to the following feature: Archdruid At 20th level, you can use your Wild Shape an unlimited number of times. Additionally, you can ignore the verbal and somatic ...
Theik's user avatar
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