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2 votes
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How balanced is this for a cursed item? part 2

Part 1 Emblem of the ever lasting plague Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) As an action, you can summon 4 (8 at lvl 9, 12 at lvl 13 or 16 at lvl 17) swarm of insects. You can use their ...
Laurens Wolf's user avatar
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Looking for a way to make a cursed swarm item (squirrels, rats, flies...) while the item is slowly taking the person over [closed]

One of my players has a wicked idea for a story hook: He wants some kind of cursed item, that has like another person, god,... in it that slowly takes him over. Every time he does take over, he emits ...
Laurens Wolf's user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

Would the following curse be too detrimental, too beneficial, or just right for a combat-focused campaign?

The Curse: Clockwork Curse All Attack Rolls the cursed target makes replace their d20 roll with a 10 instead of rolling, as per the effect of Clockwork Amulet. Extra Details: This curse is ...
Axoren's user avatar
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3 votes
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What level would this cursed invisibility ring be best balanced for? [closed]

I am planning on running a campaign, and got an idea for a cursed ring of invisibility. Here are the technical (without the fluff) details. Cursed Ring of Invisibility Wearing this ring grants ...
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