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Is there any way to defend with magic in DFRPG? [duplicate]

I feel like I am missing something obvious. Evocation/Channeling can be used for a great deal of fun effects on your turn. But what about when you need to make a defend roll against an enemy? As far ...
Allie the Icon's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How do I Block or Defend in DFRPG? Can the following Blocking & Defense Actions Examples be Critiqued/Verified?

I've struggled a bit with what I consider to be somewhat vague sidebars on pages 252 & 253 in regard to Blocks. Thus I've written out other examples of how I think Blocks work and am hoping to get ...
Ty-Bob-Reed's user avatar
14 votes
3 answers

Does an Evocation shield have a reactive utility to it?

Say that Player X is 2nd in the initiative. 1st is the Black Court vampire that is in a rage and taking a swing at Player X. Player X gets a built in defense [Athletics/Fists + 4dF] but can Player X ...
Digitalnamshub's user avatar