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Where and how did Syluné die?

I'm reading through the Shadowdale: the Scouring of the Land adventure module for D&D 3.5e and I found some inconsistencies about Syluné's fate. The spoilers below are integral to the events of ...
Zachiel's user avatar
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Is it possible for a person to be tricked into becoming a lich?

A great evil has been prophesied and a powerful wizard knows that he is unable to stop it himself. His plan is to create several heroes who will be able to fight the evil despite the event taking ...
SquidsEye's user avatar
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7 answers

Cameo Characters? [closed]

There are some good books in the Forgotten Realms library. Do you use cameo characters form these books? If so how do you balance them with your campaign? I know there was a campaign that came with ...
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