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Questions tagged [en-garde]

Set in 17th-century France, En Garde! is a semi-historical game/simulation representing many of the situations of that age. Taking its cues from the works of Alexandre Dumas, it is a game of swashbuckling and social climbing; of winning the hand of a fair mistress and duping the Cardinal's Guard.

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8 votes
1 answer

Is there a plainer english explanation of bravery and poltroonery?

Despite having reread the rules section multiple times, I don't understand how death numbers, death rolls and bravery / poltroonery settings other than flat numerical modifiers work. Is there an ...
Samuel Russell's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How does attending Military Academy work in time sequence?

One can increase their Military Ability by attending the Military Academy. The higher your MA the longer it takes to increase it. How does attending the Academy work in conjunction with the timing ...
DForck42's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

Can commissions be purchased while on Campaign by using a servant or intermediary in Paris?

In en-garde, commissions may only be purchased in Paris on the weekend. Instead of using weekend leave, can commissions be purchased using a servant or intermediary in Paris while remaining on ...
Samuel Russell's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

How do I know which regiments are lower social standing?

For joining regiments the rules state: "A player who unsuccessfully attempts to join a regiment may apply to other regiments in the same week, but may only apply to regiments of lower social ...
Rob's user avatar
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15 votes
1 answer

Do pregnancies apply at the Bawdyhouse?

These is a chance to get your mistress (or wife) pregnant during each "romantic encounter". At a Bawdyhouse you can purchase female companionship. Are you able to get a female companion pregnant at ...
DForck42's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Do military ranks transfer between regiments?

If a character has joined a regiment and they decide to join another instead do they retain the same rank they achieved in their previous regiment or do they have to buy their rank again? E.g. If you'...
Rob's user avatar
  • 31.5k
6 votes
1 answer

How is EXP generated for each weapon?

In examining the rules of En Garde! listed here and I've developed a certain amount of confusion over the weapon expertise mechanic. The initial character creation has the rule for generating EXP as ...
wax eagle's user avatar
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