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6 votes
1 answer

What are the consequences of using Fate Accelerated approaches for magic, but skills from the Core book elsewhere?

Some time in the future I want to run a game of FATE, with magic, but reading through the example characters used in the Core SRD, but it looked like it might be smoother to base the magic 'system' (...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
26 votes
2 answers

Fate conflicts are taking too long due to players stacking advantages

I am looking for advice regarding Fate/FAE conflict. In my group, the conflict takes quite a while. Not because our team is just doing simple attacking and defending. We spend lots of time on "...
Goblin_Lord's user avatar
8 votes
3 answers

How to manage sharing the spotlight outside of combat in a fun way?

I noticed something as a game master of one ongoing game and a player in another. In both games, whenever a decision had to be made outside of combat, the most high energy players were blurting out ...
Jetpack's user avatar
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2 votes
2 answers

How Do Core and Accelerated Resolution Mechanics Differ?

The differences between the two versions of the game are quite noticeable, and also spelled out in the conversion guide. Differences in various resolution mechanics seem subtler, and easier to ...
vicky_molokh- unsilence Monica's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Is the Opposition Rating for a roll known to the player?

In Fate, is the Opposition Rating for a roll known to the player? Is it an option to keep this number a secret? Actions and Outcomes (Fate Core) does not explicitly say. What I mean by "opposition ...
Amazing Rando's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

Is there any simple way to migrate player characters from FAE to Fate Core?

I'd like to start campaign in a more narration focused system with an existing group of players. They're used to systems with heavier mechanics than Fate Core, so I decided to start campaign in FAE, ...
Piotr Banaś's user avatar
9 votes
2 answers

Create/use aspects in game that do not fit well with approaches

How do you deal in Fate Accelerated with actions that would be based on either material (resources) or relational (rapport, contacts) skills from Fate Core? I had a couple of occasions at my table ...
Mirko FATE's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

How to make Fate combat fast & fun?

I love the Fate system, both Core and FAE. However, I have been having a really hard time making combat fun for my players. It is hard to explain the combat in Fate to my players in a non-abstract ...
user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Why does proposing a compel against another player cost a fate point? [Nevermind] [closed]

Fate Core p. 71 Finally, and this is very important: if a player wants to compel another character, it costs a fate point to propose the complication. The GM can always compel for free, and any ...
Ponggoleechee's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

What does a more Careful player going first in a mental Conflict represent narratively?

It's unclear what is meant in the rules: Determine Turn Order (page 21) In a mental conflict, compare your Careful approach—attention to detail will warn you of danger. What "danger" is it ...
Whothehellisthat's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

Where does the compelling Fate Point go when the compel is rejected?

Here's my understanding of how compelling works in Fate Accelerated (not sure if it works the same in Core). It's the rejection part I'm not too clear on. Any player (including the GM) can offer a ...
Whothehellisthat's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Can you use Create Advantage to create a story detail in FAE?

I've seen in a few places people talk about players creating story details by spending Fate Points. I assume this is something in Core only. Accelerated has something similar, where it talks about ...
Whothehellisthat's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Is it okay to go beyond the rules for Aspects/Boosts?

For example: Smouldering Cart (scene aspect) Snow Wolf (opponent): Master of the Tundra. Gimli (PC): Master of Axes. Gimli Attacks the Wolf, and spends 2 Fate Points to invoke the Smouldering Cart ...
Whothehellisthat's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

How is monster balancing supposed to be done?

I GMed my first game the other night and, while we had fun once I got the hang of what I was doing, we found the combat difficult to get our heads around. Let me set the scene: A wild "5 giant ...
Whothehellisthat's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

Can you Defend against your own action in Fate?

In Fate Accelerated can you Defend against something your own character did? For example can you reduce the damage of an Attack that damages everyone (including yourself​) in a zone.
InternetHobo's user avatar
16 votes
4 answers

Can an aspect contain too much information and therefore be "too good"?

I'm planning on GMing a Fate game with a group of my friends, and recently ran a little test by having one of my friends create a character. The problem I ran into is that he seemed to create aspects ...
Neutrino's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Modelling area-of-effect attacks in FAE-based games

I run a Demon Hunters game. The rules are based on a mix of Fate Core and FAE. Basic checks are made with two dice, Approach + Discipline (plus certain optional dice which we can ignore for now). ...
Raphael's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

What is the purpose of differently-sized stress boxes as opposed to flat stress or same-sized boxes?

I can see the point of differently-sized Consequences on entities. Light ones are a mark, moderate ones are a more realistic, lasting dent, and so on. They behave differently and have, arguably, ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

How is Spirit of the Century different from vanilla Fate

I have a copy of Spirit of the Century, which says on the back it's "based on the award-winning Fate system." A review says it: uses FATE (3.0) which is based on FUDGE Is this different from Fate ...
satyesu's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

Why does Fate Accelerated Edition cost so little?

I feel like Fate Accelerated Edition shouldn't cost so little. Does anybody know why or were the developers just being nice?
ElijahLovesRpg's user avatar
12 votes
4 answers

How should an automated or environmental attack be handled in Fate?

Let's say a PC plants a proximity mine or magical rune or suicidal summon somewhere in a room he would expect some enemies to walk in later on, and then leaves to take care of something else or simply ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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19 votes
1 answer

How do I prevent PCs from spamming their top approach in every situation?

As Ryan Macklin said, to a decently creative player it would't be difficult to handle all or most things using their +3 approach, and I don't want to be a bad GM by forcing them not to use what they'...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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5 votes
0 answers

How should pets/summons/familiars be handled in Fate? [closed]

I find that having some other entity that, while part of your character conceptually, is separate from their person, adds a lot to an RPG... Whether it's an Engineer's drone, a Warlock's summon or ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Why aren't you allowed to check off multiple stress boxes per hit?

It's not just a question of "have you done it in your game or not", but rather I'm wondering about the rationale behind the rules. What's the desired effect of this restriction and what effect on the ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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14 votes
5 answers

How severe should a Compel be if it's worth one Fate Point?

If a Compel is the most interesting way to gain Fate Points, then how serious should it be? What kind of trouble does a character have to go through to get one? If it's too bad, they might end up ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

How does it work when swarms or mobs take stress in Fate Core or Accelerated?

Let's say we have a group of four crabs in Core or Accelerated, but I'm treating them as a mob. One individual crab looks like this: Crab Stress: [] (one stress box, further damage takes them out) ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Is there a difference between starting to recover from consequences in Fate Accelerated and Fate Core?

The way I understood it, any Consequence (mild, severe, extreme) in any Fate build has to have a recover action modify it before it can start fading away. So I have several questions: If a character ...
Hypergardens's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Does Fate have any precedent in official material for mechanical inabilities?

Core/FAE has Stunts that give a numerical bonus to actions or otherwise let a character do things beyond the normal rules. But reading through the rulebooks, I haven't found any guidance for the ...
AgentAquarius's user avatar
30 votes
2 answers

"You're not there, you can't say that" in Fate?

I'm GMing a Fate Accelerated Edition game, importing quite a lot of rules and ideas from Fate Core. Although I've been a DM/GM for almost 25 years, it's my first time GMing a narrative-focussed game. ...
harlandski's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Are fate points assigned per player or per character?

I am currently preparing a campaign (using Strands of Fate, but this is a pertinent question for all systems that use the FATE core mechanics) that will have players jointly leading a faction as well ...
monsterfurby's user avatar
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16 votes
1 answer

Default difficulty +0 in FAE but +1 in Fate Core?

To give some context, to my question, I'd like to say that I'm aware of the discussions around the differences and continuity between Fate Accelerated Edition and Fate Core, both on this site and ...
harlandski's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

What is a scene, when do i roll etc.? [closed]

As someone who only played for like an hour in an ad-hoc, two-player session as GM, i would like to get some advice: First the example: The basic, on-the-fly idea was that the hero gipsy arrives in ...
kutschkem's user avatar
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11 votes
3 answers

How should I handle a door the players know is trapped, but the characters don't?

My group and I have recently stumbled upon what we, being inexperienced with FATE, perceive as somewhat of a conflict within the game's approach and rules itself, which I hope someone could shed some ...
monsterfurby's user avatar
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16 votes
4 answers

How to design battle between characters of different scales (e.g. mecha vs. infantry)?

FATE is very clear in that its Aspects and Skills are largely metagame elements - they are meant to highlight what is important and true in the story, not to simulate what would happen in reality. ...
monsterfurby's user avatar
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9 votes
2 answers

Can situational aspects describe the same thing as consequences?

In combat, situational aspects sometimes tend to interfere with consequences. In theory, the "create advantage" action allows an opponent to create virtually any aspect, from "Stabbed in the hand" to "...
monsterfurby's user avatar
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18 votes
1 answer

Can the GM compel their own NPCs?

NPCs can according to the rulebook be compelled just like PCs - with certain limitations. However, it appears to me that this is a slippery slope if the GM is allowed to compel their own characters ...
monsterfurby's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

When using a fate point to create an aspect, do you have to spend another to invoke it?

I'm running a new game, with just my friend and I on roll20. We're attempting to figure out the mechanics, while running a small game together. I'm having issues with the Fate Point system. Does ...
UnclearImage's user avatar
27 votes
4 answers

How do I encourage new players to be more descriptive in their actions and intents?

I have a party of new players, who are enjoying a sporadic session of Fate Accelerated. I'm learning a significant amount from the experience, and I hope they are too. In addition to some problems I'm ...
user avatar
19 votes
3 answers

How do I know when aspects are "hidden" from my players?

Well, I'm quite new to Fate and today we had our very first session, we had a lot of fun but aspects confused us a lot. I made the areas so my players would fight a Titan on the forests, one of the ...
Aldath Le'Carde's user avatar
19 votes
5 answers

What should happen in a legendarily successful attack against a mook?

Last night, I was GMing a game of Fate Accelerated Edition with my friends, and their characters were up against a gang of mooks: the mooks had only 2 stress boxes each and could not take consequences....
doppelgreener's user avatar
23 votes
2 answers

How much the players can narrate in Fate? How much can be prepared beforehand by the Gm taking that into account?

Me and a few of my friends are starting to play Fate (currently the accelerated edition) and I think we are all loving it. One of my friends seems to grasp the collaborative narration very well. When ...
K.L.'s user avatar
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38 votes
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How Fate games could go wrong and how to prevent that

I'm introducing a few of my friends to the Fate system, and we're using Fate Accelerated for a quick start. Reading answers for some questions on this site I found an interesting paragraph: One of ...
K.L.'s user avatar
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13 votes
2 answers

Replacing skills with approaches and vice versa

One of the most noticeable differences between Fate Core and FAE is that FAE replaces skills with approaches. This is really great for forcing characterization and getting games running quickly, but ...
BESW's user avatar
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