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9 votes
3 answers

Can a paladin use the Two-Weapon Fighting fighting style?

According to the online basic rules, the options listed for the paladin's Fighting Style feature are: Defense (AC bonus with armour) Dueling (damage bonus with a single one-handed weapon) Great ...
jonnybolton16's user avatar
3 votes
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Do the Dueling fighting style, Divine Smite, and Oath of Devotion paladin's Sacred Weapon Channel Divinity option stack?

I was in DM'ing a game the other day when the party's Level 3 Paladin one-hit KO'd a minor boss. Here's how he did it: Total damage = two-handed longsword (1d10) + Str modifier (+2) + Dueling ...
Felipe D.'s user avatar
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15 votes
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Does the Dueling fighting style add 2 to every damage die you roll?

One of my players is trying to say that if she smites as a paladin with the Dueling fighting style, she gets +2 to every damage die roll. This seems like a lot, as she could potentially be adding 40 ...
Brendan Trice's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Does using the Paladin Protection Fighting Style move the characters involved?

The Protection fighting style is described (SRD, p. 24) as: When a creature you can see attacks a target other than you that is within 5 feet of you, you can use your reaction to impose ...
AL.'s user avatar
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Do the different wordings of the Great Weapon Fighting style printed in the PHB cause them to function differently?

I had a question about 'Great Weapon Fighting' as it applied to Paladins, which lead me here: Does Great Weapon Fighting apply to Superiority Die rolls? During my research. While the answer cleared ...
Airatome's user avatar
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4 votes
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What Paladin fighting styles are usable while wild shaped?

What fighting style, if any, can I choose from Paladin 2 that will help in beast form? I have a plan for a half orc Paladin/Druid build, but I want to make sure this aspect of the build works before I ...
Krunchy2112 's user avatar