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Where and how did Syluné die?

I'm reading through the Shadowdale: the Scouring of the Land adventure module for D&D 3.5e and I found some inconsistencies about Syluné's fate. The spoilers below are integral to the events of ...
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Does the Order of the Aster still have a presence in Waterdeep?

I'm about to start running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, and one of my characters is part of the Order of the Aster. What is their presence in Waterdeep (circa 1492 DR)? I was able to find some information ...
Raj's user avatar
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5 votes
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Does the Order of the Silver Chalice still have a presence in Waterdeep?

I'm about to start running Waterdeep: Dragon Heist, and one of the characters is a Knight of the Silver Chalice. I believe that this organization was originally founded in Waterdeep. Do they still ...
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