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Questions tagged [homebrew]

For questions about homebrewing new content for an existing system. This tag should be used when locally-created, non-published content is at the heart of the question. (Note that soliciting ideas for creating homebrew is off topic for the site.) Not to be confused with the [house-rules] tag. For creating entire new games, use [game-design]. This tag is not for reviewing already created content; for that use [homebrew-review].

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4 votes
0 answers

Damage mitigation perk on a species? [closed]

I've been bored lately and decided to fall into the rabbit-hole of home-brewing a playable species for D&D and had a bit of a quandary. I was trying to think up an odd version of a slime-creature ...
AusFox's user avatar
  • 73
9 votes
3 answers

Homebrew DND 5e Spell, review in power, and well... utility

So, I usually design spells without a care in the world for how powerful or weak it might be, since you generally find that out with testing. However, in this particular case it made me wonder, and ...
Peixoto's user avatar
  • 93
0 votes
1 answer

Homebrew review request: 15 regional traits

I'm trying to assign regional traits to my homebrewed world. As some background, these would be a set of fifteen regional traits for 15 universities in a metropolis dedicated to the pursuit of ...
Void Warden's user avatar
-6 votes
8 answers

How can I remove the "Generalist Spellcaster" paradigm from the game?

Pathfinder 2e designer Michael Sayer made a post describing the game's assumptions of how spellcasters are intended to play, which I found completely baffling, and totally at odds with any game I've ...
Strill's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Determining the CR of a monster with a 50% chance of absorbing damage

I hope this question respects the site standards. I think that my question is quite specific and not too vague or opinion based. If not, I apologize in advance. I am creating an homebrew monster and I ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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1 vote
1 answer

Are these Homebrew "Blackfrost Gauntlets" too strong for a monk?

I have a group of level 15 (soon level 16) characters. One of them is an Ascendant Dragon Monk. I have homebrewed an item for my group and am certain that the monk is the only one who would use it. ...
Ella's user avatar
  • 457
-3 votes
1 answer

It is possible to cast the homebrew spell "Breath of the Last Love" on myself if I have the "stunned" condition?

I have the homebrew spell "Breath of the last love". I was given the status of "stunned" for 1 turn. Can I remove the status of stunned using this spell, or can I use it again? The ...
RUffinAD's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Results of a set of Skill Challenges being invalidated by the DM, is this fair as designed or were the outcomes just poorly defined?

Playing a low level/early stages 5e + homebrew game with a few friends. Though our DM is fairly new they have put in a ton of really amazing work at setting the scene for us these first few sessions. ...
Rob Themes's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Seeking feedback for a homebrew Undertaker class

Meet the undertaker. It's my first time making a class and I know it's probably not super balanced but I hope you guys like it. Please give feedback and do keep in mind I am still learning as I'm not ...
Mystic's user avatar
  • 49
9 votes
5 answers

How can I word the rules for a custom Magic item that allows a caster to cast a spell (but still requires the spell slot and component)?

I DM for a party that would greatly benefit from having access to the spell Revivify, but the only caster in the party is a sorcerer. I’d like them to have access to raise dead effects, but not at the ...
Kerrick's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

When should/can a player offer flavour suggestions over mechanics during character creation?

I made a character for a campaign that fell through about a year ago or so, but loved the concept so much that I wanted to revise it in broader strokes so it would be ready to personalize into another ...
Victor B's user avatar
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4 votes
0 answers

Is this homebrew sword balanced? [closed]

I liked the idea of a magical weapon that affected the stats of creatures. Such as the shadow's strength drain attack and added it too a weapon. Leech sword (Very rare, Heavy, two handed, strength ...
Taylor Measom's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Are a Beholder's Legendary Action Eye Rays Also Bound to the "Reroll Duplicates" Rule?

This is a balancing question as I am currently in the middle of homebrewing a Beholder-esque monster and I'm trying to use the Beholder's stat block as a template for how my new monster's challenge ...
Raven Poe's user avatar
  • 307
5 votes
1 answer

Kid playing with a dog character

I want to include my 4 year old kid to our family's DnD 5th edition game. I was planning on giving him a dog character that would allow him to play along when he feels up to it. He could wander off ...
Webninja's user avatar
  • 167
4 votes
3 answers

Over time, how does doubling dice on a crit compare vs having another action? [closed]

Basic 5e rules for crits say that you double the values rolled on dice. I'm playing with a homebrew idea where instead of doubling the damage dice you instead get another action, which can also crit. ...
Orionox's user avatar
  • 157
6 votes
1 answer

Is this homebrew Gloves of the Fire Fist magic item balanced as an uncommon item?

Just now I homebrewed the following item and gave it to a player: Gloves of the Fire Fist Wondrous item, uncommon (requires attunement) While wearing the gloves, once per day the wearer can cast ...
Dan B's user avatar
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20 votes
4 answers

What rarity is appropriate for a homebrew item that lets a Wizard delay declaring a single spell preparation?

Consider the following homebrew magic item: Uncanny Bookmark Wizard only, requires attunement. When you complete a long rest, you may optionally delay choosing the spell for one of your spell ...
nben's user avatar
  • 3,000
2 votes
3 answers

Magic Items and their allocation [closed]

I have a predicament I've come across in a campaign I'm running. Here it is. In a past session my DM (a friend of mine) challenged me to complete the entire trial with strict restrictions. The ...
Mox's user avatar
  • 37
8 votes
1 answer

How to create a Homebrew Monk Ki feature using DnD Beyond?

I am trying to create a Homebrew, Ki fueled feature for a Monk. I would like to use DnD Beyond to create the feature and store it for my campaign. However, I can only see templates which lead me ...
Nathan Fischer's user avatar
2 votes
4 answers

What would an organization of bounty hunters need to neutralize any player character? [closed]

I've never had an issue with murder hoboes in my own campaigns, but I want to be prepared in case players think they can bully figures of authority or cast powerful spells that would be considered ...
Austin Ballard's user avatar
6 votes
5 answers

Can I make a entirely homebrew D&D campaign? [closed]

Can I make a entirely homebrew D&D campaign? Or do I have to follow the books for D&D?
James's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Is there a standard way to add equipment to the monster stat block?

Let's suppose that I want to create a homebrew monster with some equipment, like magic items such as necklaces, potions, etc. My question is: is there a standard way to add equipment to the monster ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is this homebrew creature(s) balanced?

I was thinking this kind of question would be closed due to it would be "opinion-based", but turns out there're tons of similar questions exist (and answered) already. So I am going to give ...
Terry Windwalker's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How balanced is this for a cursed item? part 2

Part 1 Emblem of the ever lasting plague Wondrous item, legendary (requires attunement) As an action, you can summon 4 (8 at lvl 9, 12 at lvl 13 or 16 at lvl 17) swarm of insects. You can use their ...
Laurens Wolf's user avatar
0 votes
1 answer

Looking for a way to make a cursed swarm item (squirrels, rats, flies...) while the item is slowly taking the person over [closed]

One of my players has a wicked idea for a story hook: He wants some kind of cursed item, that has like another person, god,... in it that slowly takes him over. Every time he does take over, he emits ...
Laurens Wolf's user avatar
22 votes
9 answers

What are some monsters or spells that could trap NPCs for a long time without killing them?

I'm currently working on a campaign where time is moving faster within a certain region than in the rest of the world. As the players enter this region, I have some NPCs that I want them to rescue. ...
CodeDependent's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Need help with generating good and bad effects to magic [closed]

First time poster so sorry if this question already came up. I'm creating a D&D 3.5 campaign where PCs come to a cursed island where magic casting becomes... A bit weird. What I wanna do is every ...
Ziliad's user avatar
  • 11
7 votes
4 answers

Is allowing a player to choose the result on a d20 once per long rest more powerful than features like luck points or portents?

Obviously, allowing a character to critically hit or miss on demand is hugely impactful, but if it's only once a day is it appreciably overpowered compared to other similar features? Aside from the ...
aryst0krat's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Would absorb elements once per short rest be balanced vs psychic damage vulnerability for a monk?

I plan to make my character an astral self monk and plan to later on take rogue and possibly fighter for the psionic subclasses. For roleplay/backstory purposes I asked the DM if I could have ...
hexagonal's user avatar
8 votes
4 answers

Homebrew Monk "Way of the Dog" Review request

Way of the Dog (Monk Sublcass) Certain monastaries in the forgotten parts of the world train in an obscure form of martial arts. Each monk is gifted a puppy of a highly specialized dog breed and the ...
Wizurd's user avatar
  • 107
1 vote
1 answer

Is this homebrew creature well balanced?

I have created an homebrew creature. I would like to know if it could be a resonable fight for a level 8 team (an elf druid, a human barbarian, a human warrior, a ranger goblin). Have I used too many ...
Leonardo's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

If a character could replace the result of weapon die rolls with their proficiency bonus, what's the average die result for weapons that use 2d6?

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the above and keep getting stuck on the greatsword (mace too I suppose) average damage specifically. I'm trying to estimate how much each weapon would benefit ...
Dominic Murphy's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Is this half-feat version of sharpshooter balanced?

I am considering letting my players pick an altered version of the Sharpshooter feat, or replacing the existing one. The idea is to remove the -5/+10 mechanic and make it into a half-feat. We don't ...
Joakim M. H.'s user avatar
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4 votes
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Balance Considerations for Treating a Breath Weapon as 'Magic'

I just read this question here about increasing the range of a Dragonborn breath weapon, which says Dragonborn's Breath Weapon isn't a magical effect, so does not benefit from any feats that affect ...
Onyz's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Is This Homebrew "Protective Ward" Spell/Ability Balanced?

I am in the process of creating a homebrew class. or potentially a subclass... I haven't decided yet if I wanted to make this class a type of caster or martial character, but either way, I want it to ...
Elongated_Musket's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

(How) should I rebalance classes when playing a campaign with infinite long rests? [duplicate]

I'm preparing a D&D 5e campaign with the ability to reset time as a core mechanic. As the players will start each time loop fully rested and can choose to reset time when desired, they will start ...
Nijin22's user avatar
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13 votes
1 answer

Would a magic item that lets you cast a spell (that normally requires concentration) without needing to concentrate on it be unbalanced?

I am designing some magic items and would like to add some abilities like the following to some of the items: While holding this item you may cast one of the following spells from it, using your ...
Anagkai's user avatar
  • 16.6k
8 votes
3 answers

Best base class for a homebrew subclass inspired by Doric from the movie?

A lot of D&D fans have noted that, unlike how Doric’s Wild Shape is presented in Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves, D&D druids have almost never had the ability to transform into ...
KRyan's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

How do I create a Feat with charges in D&D Beyond?

I'm trying to create a homebrew feat on D&D Beyond that allows the PC to cast two different spells, in any combination, a total of 5 times per day. The specific spells are not the important part, ...
aaron9eee's user avatar
  • 11k
10 votes
2 answers

How do I make a version of Armor of Agathys on D&D Beyond that scales with my Pact Magic spell slot levels?

A while ago I was given a free spell from my benevolent GM, and I chose Armor of Agathys with the caveat that I could change the damage type (let's leave aside the balance concerns of that for now) ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
17 votes
6 answers

Backtracking from multiclassing with consequences

A wannabe full sorceress A player of the group for which I am DMing is playing a cleric 4/sorceress 6 character: she started as a cleric, and once reached level 5 she decided to multiclass into ...
Eddymage's user avatar
  • 32.2k
9 votes
1 answer

At what character levels should this homebrew maul be upgraded?

One of my player (playing a level 3 warforged barbarian) came to me with a request to be given a multi-staged legendary maul. I came up with the following item, but I'm still wondering at which ...
Olivier Grégoire's user avatar
1 vote
0 answers

Making Golems out of New materials [closed]

For an upcoming Encounter, I want my group to to fight golems made out of paper. I've looked at a few Nearly 2d monsters, such as a Palimpsest, or a Rug of Smothering, bit I haven't found quite the ...
Xisnue's user avatar
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9 votes
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In D&D Beyond, how can I make a homebrew melee weapon that uses a spellcasting stat's bonus instead of STR/DEX?

I have a new druid player who is using a normal staff with the Shillelagh spell on it. While the spell is active, [...] you can use your spellcasting ability instead of Strength for the attack and ...
aaron9eee's user avatar
  • 11k
5 votes
1 answer

Non-commercial RPGs in the 40k universe?

I’m trying to figure out to what extent fan RPGs set in the 40k universe are allowed, clearly anything commercial is off the table — but as soon as it is explicitly non-commercial, it does seem in ...
Corgi Aurellian's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

If a (homebrew) feat lets me learn a 5th-level spell whilst I can only cast 2nd-level spells, can I still use the higher-level spell?

Note: I am extremely new to D&D. Our DM approved a homebrew feat I picked out on Dandwiki called "Blood Magic". This feat grants a number of benefits, including letting me learn a few (...
wing's user avatar
  • 59
2 votes
1 answer

Gloomstalker Umbral Sight Alternative [closed]

We are running an “3 shot” campaign at our table, and I chose to be a Gloomstalker. The problem is that all the enemies at this adventure have blindsight, effectively muting one of the main ...
Giannis Papoutsakis's user avatar
24 votes
2 answers

Create the most broken race that is 'balanced' according to Detect Balance

Any discussion for a homebrew race will always have Detect Balance used to calculate how balanced the race is. I'm curious to see how much the tool can be abused. Thus my challenge is to create a ...
dsollen's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Homebrewing a Weapon in D&DBeyond for a campaign

I received a custom magic weapon in our last campaign, and I want to build it in D&D Beyond so its effects can be used more automatically online/in virtual table tops. The name of it is Ice Blink ...
JRadimus's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

When making ranged spell attacks with a bow (The Ranger) do you use you dexterity or wisdom Mod?

So I started playing a Homebrew recently and the DM has a set of Ranged-spells attacks that require a bow (I already have one). One of the spells is as stated: For the duration of this spell you ...
jazz's user avatar
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