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Questions tagged [hunter-the-vigil]

Hunter: the Vigil is a modern horror RPG by White Wolf in the "World of Darkness" series of games, in which the PCs are the Light in the Darkness and one way or another they Hunt the inhuman elements of our society.

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7 votes
2 answers

How would a demonic pact for home, and deceased wife and child work?

I've just wrapped up-ish the back story of a character. The story is that his wife and child were killed by a Strix (he doesn't know the Strix part yet), on his Hunt a Demon is going to offer him a ...
xenoterracide's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

What do asset skills actually do, in Hunter: the Vigil?

Professional Training (Hunter: The Vigil) gives you asset skills. At character creation you get some number additional specialities. Do they have any other use? I've not combed every paragraph in the ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
2 votes
1 answer

How do free contacts from Professional Training work?

The wording of the merit in Hunter: the Vigil is ambiguous (along with the example. In game terms, the character is considered to have the Contacts Merit (see p. 114 of the World of Darkness ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar