Questions tagged [mechwarrior-4e]

The 4th Edition of the stand-alone Mechwarrior RPG, titled 'A Time of War' is produced by Catalyst Game Labs. This edition, set in 3076, integrates all aspects of the Battletech Universe, does not require players to be mechwarriors, and provides a Tactical Addendum for running Battletech at the infantry level of individuals versus mechs and vehicles.

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6 votes
1 answer

MechWarrior (1st Edition) vs MechWarrior (2nd Edition) Character Stats / Conversion

BattleTech & MechWarrior used to be 'mini combat' & 'rpg' respectively; and have gone through various versions; changing core aspects of the game & how the math works. In MechWarrior, ...
5 votes
2 answers

How do Called/Aimed Shots interact with the optional Hit Locations rules in A Time of War?

Hit Locations (p. 190 AToW) are an optional rule in A Time of War [Mechwarrior 4th Ed RPG] which alter some of the normal combat rules when in place, such as the effects of injury. When a players ...
10 votes
1 answer

What are appropriate XP totals for generating Experienced and Veteran PCs in A Time of War? [Mechwarrior 4th Ed)

When detailing characters either as NPCs or PCs in A Time of War, the new edition of the Mechwarrior RPG, what number of XP would fairly represent the difference between a Green character, an ...
15 votes
3 answers

What is the closest RPG analogue to the newest version of the Mechwarrior RPG? [closed]

What is the closest RPG analogue to the newest version of the Mechwarrior RPG? I played the second and third versions of the mechwarrior rpg, but am unfamiliar with the new Classic BattleTech RPG.