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Questions tagged [mongoose-traveller-2]

Traveller by Mongoose Publishing is a game about space and space travel. Core Rulebook for the second edition was published early 2016.

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Effect of Zero Check on a Ship Repair Spare Parts Required

Using Mongoose Traveller Core Rulebook Update 2022, on page 159. To repair your ship's Critical Hit damage is a Average Engineer/Mechanical 8+ check, but the table on spare parts required does not ...
Bucket's user avatar
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Traveller: where are rules for extinguishing fires

Tried 2022 rulebook, companion guide. Nowhere can I find what is the recommended skill check to extinguish a fire.
ledlogic's user avatar
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9 votes
3 answers

Clarification on cargo requirements for passengers in Traveller

I'm a little bit confused regarding the wording for space required for the different types of passengers. In the trade chapter (chapter 11 in the version I have), it lists the requirements for each ...
link64's user avatar
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Can ‘Intellect’ software for a starship do the same tasks as ‘Intellect’ software for a regular computer?

The Core rulebook lists two computer programmes named ‘Intellect’: One listed under Equipment (the computers section, p.106 of my Core Rulebook); bandwidth 1-3, TL 12-14 with notes about how ‘...
RickL's user avatar
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How does the "Burst" trait work?

A handful of explosives, as well as the rules on explosive charges, and some explosive munitions, reference the "Burst" trait, as if it where similar (but distinct from) the "Blast" trait. Does anyone ...
Brylyth's user avatar
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What is the effect of a critical success on an attack roll?

Let's consider following example: Player roll 12 attack (shot from lase pistol). Then adds 2 from his DEX DM and Gun Combat (Energy). Now he has 14, so it's a critical success, since he needed to ...
Morasiu's user avatar
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Why are Anagathics so expensive in character creation?

They costs about Cr 700,000 each term! How can anyone afford this from benefits (or be in great Medical Debt)? Or maybe it is a mistake in PDF? It's not worth it at all. Also it requires a SOC10+ ...
Morasiu's user avatar
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What does the "bulky" trait mean in Traveller 2ed?

I'm playing Mongoose Traveller 2ed and I'm using the Core Book. Could you explain to me what the Bulky trait means for a weapon? I haven't found any explanation in the book.
Morasiu's user avatar
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What is the application of symbols in the cultural extension of UWP?

In Traveller-5, worldgen step E includes creating the world's cultural extension (Cx), the last digit of which is "symbols." The rule book explains only that: Symbols used by the culture may range ...
Tuorg's user avatar
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4 answers

Handling extensive in-system travel

I'm going to run a campaign that spends a significant time in a system with no jump capability. The players will be similarly limited. This means that for most of the time they are going to travel ...
Marius's user avatar
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2 answers

How exactly does GURPS Traveller setting material differ from OTU?

I'm about to start a campaign using MgT 2e and I have tons of GT material but I've read over and over again how Behind the Claw (for GT) differs from OTU. I'm not interested on moving rules from ...
Cazacurdas's user avatar
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When You Take Damage Does Your END DM Change?

On page 74, we learn that: Damage is initially applied to a target’s END. If a target is reduced to 0 END, then any excess damage is deducted from the target’s STR or DEX (target’s choice of which)....
Christopher's user avatar
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Smart Ammo vs. People: What's the TL of a person?

Smart weapons "gain a DM to their attack rolls equal to the difference between their TL and that of the target," (CRB75). When using a smart weapon against a vehicle that makes perfect sense. But ...
Christopher's user avatar
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18 votes
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What are the major differences between Mongoose Traveller 1st and 2nd Edition?

In early 2016, a new edition of Traveller by Mongoose was released (referred to by some as Mongoose Traveller 2nd Edition). What are the major rule and setting differences between this version and the ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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What is the proper name for the 2016 edition of Traveller by Mongoose?

A new edition of Traveller by Mongoose was released in early 2016. What is the proper name for it if I want to distinguish it from other versions of Traveller. Is it Mongoose Traveller, 2nd Edition? ...
Thunderforge's user avatar
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What skills do you get when pass an advancement roll?

When you manage to pass an advancement roll what skills do you get? I have several points of confusion in regards to this. I will deal with each in their own section and not as separate questions as I ...
Marius's user avatar
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System for running starports in traveller

I'm looking for rules for running a starport. The book starports has a decent description of the cost involved in buying/building a starport, but not any information about actually operating one. At ...
Marius's user avatar
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Which Mongoose Traveller 1e books are mechanically compatible with 2e, if any?

Are any of the books from Mongoose Traveller 1st edition mechanically compatible with 2nd edition? The kind of compatibility I am thinking of means that I should be able to use rules or stats ...
Marius's user avatar
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3 answers

Is there anything that lets me quickly figure out the distance from a safe jump point to the starport?

I realised something. While reading the core rulebook I always assumed that the relevant distance for jumping into a system was the diameter of the systems star times one hundred, and I got the ...
Marius's user avatar
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What is the formula for calculating in-system traveling time?

What is the formula for calculating in-system traveling time in Mongoose Traveller 2? On page 153 of the MGT2 core rulebook there is a table, but I'm looking for the formula behind the table to insert ...
Marius's user avatar
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6 answers

How to be a pirate in the third imperium?

How is piracy conducted in the Third Imperium? Does it all take place within 100D of a space port, as ships travel to or from their jump location? Or is there a way to waylay victims during a jump? ...
Marius's user avatar
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Is it possible to carry fuel in cargo bay and refuel in space for a second jump?

Is there anything preventing a ship from carrying extra fuel in the cargo bay and refuel the ship in space after a jump in order to perform a second jump? For instance could a Free Trader with a ...
Marius's user avatar
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If a character has a mishap during a term, and must leave the career, how quickly can he re-enter the same career, and will he retain his rank?

During a career you may have a mishap and be forced out of that career. Can you immediately reapply to the same career? If this is the case at what rank do you enter the career, same as when you left ...
Marius's user avatar
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During character generation should all PC have the same number of terms?

When generating characters for Traveller is it normal to make all players have the same number of terms or set a limit on the maximum number of terms allowed? Or will the negative effects of age ...
Marius's user avatar
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Is there any way to get more than one military promotion per term during character generation?

My understanding of the quickest possible promotion through the military ranks during character generation is that officer 01 can earliest be achieved at age 22, either by doing no pre-career ...
Marius's user avatar
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Is Traveller 5 ship building compatible with Mongoose Traveller?

I own both Traveller 5 and Mongoose Traveller Core Rule Book (the newest one that is only available in PDF). I'm struggling with grasping all of T5, so I'm looking at using MGT. One of the things I ...
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