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How much Legendary Power is needed to double the damage of a full-attack?

In the description for the abilities of Legendary items we can read: Foe-Biting: When this item deals damage, its user can use mythic power to double the total amount of damage it deals. If the ...
alemayo's user avatar
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Surge ability die for legendary items

Legendary Surge ability for legendary items ends as: The legendary surge ability allows the bearer to add the result of a d6 to the appropriate type of roll or check. A mythic bearer can use her ...
alemayo's user avatar
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Is there a magic item I can use mythic points on to then cast the mythic version of that spell?

Is there a way, say casting a spell from a scroll or whatever, that I can then spend a mythic point and cast the mythic version (assuming I know the mythic version). It sounds like a staff might work?...
powerdemon's user avatar
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How to create an artifact weapon linked to the progress of a mythic path?

I want to pump up the group I'm GMing for with Mythic rules. There is a warpriest in the group, and I wanted to have him earn the privilege of wielding the holy weapon of his church and make him a ...
Lymakk's user avatar
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Can you read a scroll with extra standard action from Haste?

I just read a comment on Mythic Haste. The guy says: As far as buffing goes, Mythic Haste is, like haste, probably the best bang for you buck spell in existence. Giving your entire team +50 ...
ruedi's user avatar
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How does the ring of transcendent spells work?

I am confused as to how the ring of transcendent spells from mythic works. Ring of Transcendent Spells This jade ring is carved in the shape of an ouroboros. Three times per day, the wearer can use ...
Fering's user avatar
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