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Do I need to convert spell points into sorcery points to use them for Metamagic options? If so, how does it work exactly?

I need help understanding how the Spell Points variant rule (DMG, p. 288-289) works with a sorcerer using Metamagic. I had all my sorcery points and spell slots in spell points, but I just turned ...
Maxpire's user avatar
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3 votes
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Does the Wild Companion optional class feature for druids let them use spell slots to cast the Find Familiar spell?

Does the Wild Companion optional class feature for druids grant access to the find familiar spell? Basically I'd rather hard cast it than waste the Wild Shape on it. The Circle of Stars druid's Starry ...
Sozenfo the Druid's user avatar
6 votes
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How do you use spell points as a Sorlock with the spell point variant rule?

I am currently playing an Elf that is a level 5 Warlock / level 3 Sorcerer. My DM has graciously let me take a few short rests in the morning after my trance and before we start the adventuring day, ...
ObeseMonkey's user avatar
15 votes
1 answer

How do spell slot recovery abilities work with the Variant: Spell Points system?

I am considering using the Variant: Spell Points system from page 288-289 of the DMG. I asked a related question on the overall balance of this rule. This question is more focused on the mechanics of ...
linksassin's user avatar
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39 votes
3 answers

How does the Variant: Spell Points system from the DMG affect game balance?

On page 288-289 of the DMG, there is a "Variant: Spell Points" rule. Below are the best summary paragraphs of the system: In this variant, each spell has a point cost based on its level. ...
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