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19 votes
2 answers

How do I encourage my GM to relax her grip on the story and let the players have some free will?

I've been playing a number of different games with the same core group of friends for years now. We meet once a week with the occasional exception. For the last few months, one of our players has ...
DWShore's user avatar
  • 433
4 votes
0 answers

How to deal with DM that railroads you, and then says you skipped things? [closed]

Mid-campaign we approached a building, and then the DM railroaded us into a certain side room, says that we barged in, and the guards in the room shouted to a different room for backup. The DM then ...
Rhodes's user avatar
  • 41
8 votes
0 answers

How to deal with a DM who pointedly ignores important details? [duplicate]

The campaign was intended to be difficult. We knew and accepted that up front, and it sounded like a fun challenge. But we never knew until we were already a fair ways into it how much of the ...
Mason Wheeler's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Being Railroaded (Advice)

So, I'm in a Pathfinder campaign with my friends. However, some of us are not enjoying the campaign. This is mostly in part by the lack of player agency. The world is well developed but we're left the ...
user42999's user avatar
75 votes
7 answers

Our GM won't let us affect the story; the more I play the less fun I have. What do I do?

I was wondering if anyone could give me some advice or anything on a GM situation. My current GM is running a campaign and it is very video game/anime like. It started out super fun and the deeper ...
Nagromxela Xela's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

My DM is hardcore railroading us - dropping excessive amounts of hints, regardless of our response

We are playing a D&D 5e game, and our DM is constantly dropping the same hints, and re-iterating the same details over and over again, to try and get us to go where he wants. I've played enough ...
Ben's user avatar
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29 votes
3 answers

How to deal with a DM who controls us with powerful NPCs?

I'm currently in a campaign run by a friend, and so far, I'm having a great time. However, he does do one thing that has been irritating to me, he makes all of the important allied NPCs far more ...
Tobias Fizzlewig's user avatar
28 votes
7 answers

How do you deal with a DM who says "no" to everything?

I am in a campaign with several players who also DM, on a rotating schedule. One DM in particular has a control issue, in my opinion. He tends to say "no" to just about any action the PC wants to ...
roscoe_casita's user avatar