Questions tagged [product-identification]

For questions about identifying a game product (sourcebooks, published adventures, and even entire systems) based on remembered details of the product or of specific content within it. (For identifying specific game content instead, use the [content-identification] tag.)

5 questions with no upvoted or accepted answers
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What is this RPGA world/campaign design contest winner (ca. 2006?) I remember?

More than a decade ago, my best friend had an online subscription to various D&D materials. When he was back home visiting, he let me spend a few hours exploring this treasure trove. From what I ...
Steven Frederick Baljkas's user avatar
12 votes
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Looking for a product with a specific inn in a drow city

Our last play session with me as rotating DM ended with the party about to enter the (classic Greyhawk version) Vault of the Drow. Currently, I am a player in another DM's game, but when it cycles ...
Kirt's user avatar
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8 votes
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Looking for a specific softcover book from the 90's, one in a series of 3 I think, had white cover about overpowered artifacts

I had the book in question at one time and lost it during a move. The front and back covers were glossy and white with not the greatest art. I think it was the 2nd in a series of 3, but I could never ...
Wunderwaffen 's user avatar
4 votes
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Looking for a specific horror gaming podcast

This is a bit of a shot in the dark, but I'm trying to find a specific horror gaming podcast I listened to a few episodes of way, way back. Things I know about it: It had one, male, speaker. It ...
Canageek's user avatar
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3rd-party Knowledge-focused prestige class that can read books quickly

I remember having had read the description of a prestige class D&D 3.0 or 3.5 supplemental book. If I remember correctly, it was none of the official WOTC sources. I think it was a book in black ...
Hakohaa's user avatar
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