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For questions about Rage, a class feature associated with the barbarian class from various editions of Dungeons and Dragons. This feature often increases damage output and decreases damage taken.

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Can a multiclass warlock/barbarian use Eldritch Smite while raging [duplicate]

The rage feature says If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging. And Eldritch Smite says Once per turn when you hit a creature with your pact weapon, ...
Himitsu_no_Yami's user avatar
11 votes
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If a Path of the Giant barbarian is grappled, does that count as 'not enough room to grow'?

For example, if my barbarian fairy is grappled by a small or smaller enemy, will raging free me, or is there not enough room to get bigger?
Tasi's user avatar
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Does rage, or any of the barbarian level 3 paths, boost unarmed strikes?

Mainly I'm asking in case I get thrown into a situation similar to the Tournament of Power from Dragon Ball Super, or most of the other tournaments in Z and Super, where I can't use weapons. Is there ...
Tasi's user avatar
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What does a barbarian's rage prevent them from doing?

Many theorycrafting posts & topics exist about how you could incorporate barbarian rage when planning a character, but I have not seen one that really explores the limits of what options a ...
Kinda's user avatar
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6 votes
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Is smite damage affected by Barbarian Rage/Frenzy?

I've got a question regarding the mechanics of the game. In theory the Barbarian Rage reduces the damage Barbarian takes by a half (piercing/bludgeoning/slashing). The weapon type used to cause the ...
user2184057's user avatar
7 votes
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Would raging break the concentration of a Wild Shaped Druid?

If you had a Druid/Barbarian multiclass would you be able to cast a spell such as Call Lightning that requires concentration, Wild Shape, and then rage without breaking concentration on the spell? ...
XenLight's user avatar
10 votes
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Why do I need the Raging Intimidation feat in order to Demoralize while Raging?

While building a Barbarian, I was reviewing the rules for Rage and Intimidation. The Barbarian has a level 1 class feat called Raging Intimidation that states: While you are raging, your Demoralize ...
Jason_c_o's user avatar
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Is there a way to improve Rage? [closed]

In Dungeons and Dragons 3.X, (and possibly Pathfinder), is there any way to 'improve' your Rage bonuses? I know that specifically for 3.X there are a number of different forms of Rage, including: ...
AOKost's user avatar
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29 votes
6 answers

Would allowing barbarians to maintain rage as an action be unbalanced or permit shenanigans?

A barbarian's Rage ends early if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. Players of barbarians, including those in my own play ...
Kirt's user avatar
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Is it possible to heal before dying as a Zealot Barbarian?

I apologize if the title of this post isn't spot on, but it's a multifaceted question. Firstly, I'm a little confused about a how Barbarian's rage functions as combat ends. As written: Your rage ...
G.M.theGM's user avatar
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Does the Magic Weapon spell, cast by a Mark of Making Human Barbarian, continue to function while Raging?

The Barbarian 1st level ability Rage states: If you are able to cast spells, you can’t cast them or concentrate on them while raging. And the Variant Human: Mark of Making innate ability Spellsmith ...
ThatOneOFFTopicPerson's user avatar
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Does a Druid's Wild Shape allow extra attacks from Barbarians Beast Totem Rage Power?

The Barbarian's Rage Power Lesser Beast Totem adds two claw attacks: While raging, the barbarian gains two claw attacks. These attacks are considered primary attacks and are made at the barbarian’s ...
Gloweye's user avatar
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Using Relentless Rage after Rage Beyond Death?

Can a Zealot Barbarian use Rage Beyond Death, kill all the enemies (while at 0 HP) and then use Relentless Rage (or Relentless Endurance) to go back to 1 HP and thus avoid death?
Andy Nguyen's user avatar
6 votes
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Does a barbarian need to damage a target to keep Rage from ending, or just attack the target (whether or not it hits)?

I’m playing DND 5e, the rage ability states that the effect ends early if your turn ends and you haven’t attacked a hostile creature since your last turn or taken damage since then. Does this mean ...
Fight guy's user avatar
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Can you spend more than one round of rage in one round?

If I start my turn already raging from my previous turn, exit rage, and then re-enter rage and stay raging by the end of my turn, how many rounds of rage should I deduct from my 'rounds per day' ...
hamburgerpls's user avatar
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Power Attack, Rage and Bite Attack together

We are looking at a Lvl4 Unchained Barbarian (BAB: +4, no multiple attacks yet) STR Bonus +3 Dwarven Longhammer-esque weapon that does not have the Reach Special Weapon Feature Animal Fury Rage Power ...
Pantheos Max's user avatar
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When specifically stated "this weapon is magical for overcoming resistances" does that mean it does full damage against a character in rage

I know that in DND-5e, the rage mechanic works against magical weapons that deal slashing damage, despite them being magical. However for certain enemies it is specifically stated "Attacks count ...
Thomas Ouellette's user avatar
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Can a Barbarian stay in rage while polymorphed? [duplicate]

If a raging Barbarian gets polymorphed into a Tyrannosaurus Rex or a Mammoth or something, to give it more hp, does the rage drop? Polymorph says: The creature is limited in the Actions it can ...
TheDragonOfFlame's user avatar
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Can you Invoke a Rune during a Rage?

Can a Barbarian/Fighter (Rune Knight) multiclasser invoke a rune (for example the Fire Rune) while raging? I don't see anything to suggest otherwise, since invoking a rune is not casting a spell and ...
Nathan Hinchey's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Can a barbarian maintain rage by attacking a creature that is not present?

Suppose a raging barbarian cannot reach any seen opponents on the battlefield on their current turn, but is attempting to maintain rage in the interim by attacking a hostile creature, according to the ...
Kirt's user avatar
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Are Vengeful Ancestors' damage-dealing reactions enough to sustain the Barbarian's rage?

To sustain their rage at the end of their turn, a Barbarian must have attacked a hostile creature since their last turn or must have taken damage since then. [PHB, pg. 48] In the level 14 feature of ...
gto's user avatar
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Any way to cast dragonmark SLAs in a rage?

Pretty obvious dual to this question, but now for (dragonmark) spell-like abilities. While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Can a Zealot Barbarian apply Radiant rage damage?

Rage says: When you make a melee weapon attack using Strength, you gain a bonus to the damage roll that increases as you gain levels as a barbarian, as shown in the Rage Damage column of the ...
BlueMoon93's user avatar
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Any way to activate a spell-trigger item in a rage?

While raging, a barbarian cannot use any Charisma-, Dexterity-, or Intelligence-based skills (except for Balance, Escape Artist, Intimidate, and Ride), the Concentration skill, or any abilities that ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Is Barbarian Rage a Compulsion effect?

The spell Rage is a compulsion effect that mimics a barbarian rage. There is a trait, Strength of Submission which grants a bonus during a compulsion effect. For the purposes of this trait, is the ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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Method of restarting a rage in the same encounter?

A barbarian can fly into a rage only once per encounter. (Barbarian class description → Rage feature description) This line is making me sad; I want to be able to end a rage and start a new one more ...
KRyan's user avatar
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Can a multiclassed Dreams druid/Storm Herald barbarian activate their Tundra Storm Aura while in Wild Shape?

In my next campaign, I will be the solo healer, as a Circle of Dreams Druid. I hope that will provide enough Goodberry and other healing skills to keep the party alive. But I really want to fight too....
Camorri's user avatar
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Can a Barbarian self-inflict damage to keep raging?

In D&D 5e, the barbarian's Rage is somewhat different from its 3.5e counterpart, but the thing that most confused me is the need to be actively part of mayhem and destruction at every round to ...
MrTakeru's user avatar
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Can you maintain concentration on non-spell abilities (that require it) while raging?

There are a few class features in the game that require concentration, but are not spells: A Trickery Cleric's Invoke Duplicity, a Glamour Bard's Mantle of Command, a Graviturgist Wizard's Adjust ...
Gael L's user avatar
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Rage benefits for someone who doesn’t attack

I’ve had in mind a character built around defensive and supernatural effects from rage, who doesn’t attack. Towards this end, I’m using druidic avenger to actually get rage. I’ll take both Blazing ...
KRyan's user avatar
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What does the Death Ward spell do when a Zealot Barbarian's Rage Beyond Death feature ends while they have three failed Death Saving Throws?

The death ward spell states: [...] If the spell is still in effect when the target is subjected to an effect that would kill it instantaneously without dealing damage, that effect is instead ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
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What happens when you cast Death Ward on a raging level 14 Zealot Barbarian who is at 0 HP?

Let's say a Zealot Barbarian is using Rage Beyond Death and thus they do not fall unconscious at 0 HP. Let's further say that they're currently at 0 HP. If death ward is cast on them, then by RAW it ...
user avatar
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What are the interactions between Rage and Vaprak’s Rage?

Disclaimer : this is an ultra-specific oddball that will likely never happen to anyone but me. Read only if you have time to kill ! Shapechange is a 9th level spell that allows a player character to ...
Gael L's user avatar
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Does a barbarian's rage end if they are trying to attack an invisible creature they don't know the location of?

The barbarian rage ability includes this rule stating when it will end: Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a ...
Allan Mills's user avatar
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Does a barbarian's rage end if they attack an illusion of a creature?

Here is the pertinent wording of the Rage feature: Your rage lasts for 1 minute. It ends early if you are knocked unconscious or if your turn ends and you haven't attacked a hostile creature ...
keithcurtis's user avatar
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Is it obvious to an opponent that a Barbarian has entered Rage?

I had a look around but couldn't find an answer to this. Is it obvious when a Barbarian begins to Rage? A canny opponent might know of a Barbarian's rage ability and therefore, if they determine the ...
Steve's user avatar
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Does a Goliath Barbarian's Mountain Rage still grant a bonus to Constitution?

With the substitution levels from Goliath Barbarian, does the Mountain Rage still give the bonus to Constitution? Or do you lose that in exchange for a size increase and bonus strength?
irishtatertot25's user avatar
12 votes
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What happens when a Wild Magic Surge would have a Sorcerer/Barbarian multiclass cast a spell while raging?

I was making a Barbarian/Wild Magic Sorcerer multi-class and realized the following scenario may occur: Rolling a 01-02 on the Wild Magic Surge Table: Roll on this table at the start of each of ...
Exempt-Medic's user avatar
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23 votes
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Can a Barbarian/Wizard multiclass cast a spell with a magic item while raging?

My party has a Barbarian who multiclassed to wizard. Levels 3 and 1, respectively. He has incorporated the Staff of Defense (from Glasstaff in the Lost Mine of Phandelver Starter Set adventure) into ...
Stormwind's user avatar
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Does poking yourself with a needle with the intent to do damage require the Attack action, or can it be done as a (free) object interaction?

Does poking yourself with a needle hard enough to cause damage require the Attack action, or can it be done as a free object interaction? This task is certainly no more involved than opening a door, ...
Mars Plastic's user avatar
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What effect does giving the Rage action additional traits (e.g. "arcane and evocation") confer?

Several of the Barbarian Instinct Abilities modify the traits of the Rage action. For example: Draconic Rage (Instinct Ability) While raging, you can increase the additional damage from Rage from 2 ...
Kommissar's user avatar
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Does a Barbarian stack rages while raging or does he reset his rage?

If a barbarian enters a new rage while he is raging do the rages stack on top of each other or would his current rage just be reset? I think the rage would be reset because its closest equivalent ...
Gerson Lopez's user avatar
8 votes
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Can a level 20 Berserker barbarian use the Frenzy feature all day with one use?

A level 20 barbarian gets unlimited rages. Can a Berserker barbarian extend his rage by raging again endlessly so that it never ends - which would lead to him never gaining exhaustion and never losing ...
Gerson Lopez's user avatar
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Does the Ancestral Guardian barbarian's Ancestral Protectors feature only work on your first attack after raging, or can you apply it every turn?

Does the Ancestral Protectors feature only work on your first attack after raging, or can you apply it every turn? I have been wanting to make a Path of the Ancestral Guardian Barbarian, and I have ...
Lucas Lecours's user avatar
9 votes
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How does the barbarian's bonus damage from Rage interact with two-weapon fighting?

Some days ago, I created for someone a barbarian dwarf character sheet. Everything went well, and the sheet is complete. As I'm very new to D&D, I decided to read through the barbarian class to ...
Zoma's user avatar
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How can I make a macro for rage in Roll20?

So I'm playing using Roll20, and I just took a level in barbarian. I want to save my DM time and set up a macro for rage myself, problem is I have literally not a clue how macros work and the 3.5e ...
Voidstar's user avatar
17 votes
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Would a non-attacking Barbarian's rage end the same turn he started it?

QUESTION: If a Barbarian enters a Rage on their first turn, and does not attack, and furthermore has taken no damage yet in this fight, does the rage cease at the end of that same turn? Reference: ...
Mister B's user avatar
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When can a Barbarian, who has just levelled up, use the additional Rage gained from that level?

At certain levels, Barbarians gain additional Rages to use between Long Rests. My question is, when can these additional Rages be used? The PHB seems a little unclear on this. PHB pg.48 Once you ...
Boblawblah's user avatar
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What all the sources of Rages per day?

Linked to this question:What are all sources of extra uses of bardic music? I am working on a Character Optimization exercise, in trying to maximize the potential of a Bard 5/Barbarian 5 start, I ...
Connor Clarke's user avatar
7 votes
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How does the Duergar Magic shrink/enlarge ability work with rage?

Is the Duergar's ability to shrink/enlarge considered a spell? How does that combo off with the barbarian's "Rage" ability? Am I able to do this after I go into a rage? Does it cancel before I go ...
RugiezWitz's user avatar