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2 answers

The memories of a regenerated ettin head

Consider this scenario: an ettin, with the two heads named Foo and Bar, is wearing (and is attuned to) a ring of regeneration. The monster descripton specify that, while one head is sleeping the other ...
sigmud's user avatar
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3 answers

Can Lesser Restoration fix a missing eye?

The lesser restoration spell description states: You touch a creature and can end either one disease or one condition afflicting it. The condition can be blinded, deafened, paralyzed, or poisoned. ...
Darth Pseudonym's user avatar
13 votes
2 answers

For the purposes of the Regenerate spell, does a snail shell count as a limb?

Looking at the article for Flail Snails on the Forgotten Realms Wiki, it states that removed flail snail tentacles can be regrown or restored using the regenerate spell. The description of the ...
howlieT's user avatar
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What happens in Curse of Strahd if the players destroy Strahd's coffin or prevent him from returning to it?

SPOILERS BELOW The first time I had a group of players face Strahd, it was c. 1988 and we were playing 1e with the original I6 Ravenloft. The PC's quickly found their way to the lowest level of the ...
Kirt's user avatar
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Can a Flesh Golem benefit from the 7th-level Regenerate spell?

Traditionally, the flesh golem is alive... it's ALIVE!!. Not so with 5e D&D of course, it is just another automaton but made with soggy RAW parts. Too bad of course (some amazing clips and reels ...
Timm Jimm Grimm's user avatar
7 votes
5 answers

Is it possible for a player to gain the innate ability to regenerate body parts without spells?

Using the DMG's Injuries variant rule (or just having a character who for whatever reason is missing a body part), a character can lose an arm, leg, or eye, and the regenerate spell is the normal way ...
47948201's user avatar
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5 answers

Is it redundant that a vampire's Regeneration is stopped by damage from holy water, since holy water already does radiant damage to undead?

Vampires and vampire spawn have the Regeneration trait (MM 297-298), but: If the vampire takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of the vampire's next ...
Kirt's user avatar
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7 votes
4 answers

Can the Regenerate spell bring someone back from the dead?

The description of Regenerate states: You touch a creature and stimulate its natural healing ability. The target regains 4d8 + 15 hit points. For the duration of the spell, the target regains 1 hit ...
MivaScott's user avatar
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-3 votes
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What creatures have the regeneration ability?

I am searching throughout all the different books to find the creatures with the regeneration ability. I am not particularly interested in special regeneration (Such as a hydras head regrowth or a ...
user60792's user avatar
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My character's hand was cut off and lost, how can I regrow a hand? [duplicate]

So yesterday I was playing D&D with my group and my right hand was cut off. I really love my rogue character and I don't want him with one hand because of all the disadvantages. I thought that I ...
John's user avatar
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29 votes
2 answers

Do trolls appear to be dead after reaching 0 HP from non-fire/acid damage?

In D&D 5e, A troll's regenerate ability is as follows (MM 291): Regeneration. The troll regains 10 hit points at the start of its turn. If the troll takes acid or fire damage, this trait ...
user2150989's user avatar
16 votes
6 answers

What can players do while waiting for a troll to regenerate?

Can players do anything while waiting for a troll to regenerate its hp on its next turn? For example: Player A drops troll’s hp to 0. Player B and Player C go before troll goes. Do I just skip their ...
Imspringin's user avatar
20 votes
2 answers

Can Chill Touch prevent Regeneration?

Can the D&D 5th Edition cantrip Chill Touch prevent regeneration and similar abilities? Do specific forms of regeneration (like a troll's) circumvent this? Chill Touch: You create a ghostly, ...
Joshjurg's user avatar
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How to get a character's limb regrown at 3rd level?

I'm running a somewhat modified version of the Lost Mine of Phandelver adventure. I was DMing my second ever session, and decided to roll on the lingering injuries chart. I got a 3 and told the ...
Himitsu_no_Yami's user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

How can I recover a missing body part without using wish?

I recently had my nose bitten off by a berserker and smell is surprisingly hard to live without. I have had some past trouble with wishes (from a ring of three wishes) so I'm reluctant to make ...
Brother Brick's user avatar