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What happens in Curse of Strahd if the players destroy Strahd's coffin or prevent him from returning to it?

SPOILERS BELOW The first time I had a group of players face Strahd, it was c. 1988 and we were playing 1e with the original I6 Ravenloft. The PC's quickly found their way to the lowest level of the ...
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Is it redundant that a vampire's Regeneration is stopped by damage from holy water, since holy water already does radiant damage to undead?

Vampires and vampire spawn have the Regeneration trait (MM 297-298), but: If the vampire takes radiant damage or damage from holy water, this trait doesn't function at the start of the vampire's next ...
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Is there a rule that creatures without Con scores can not have the Regeneration special ability?

I've heard that there's a rule that creatures without Con scores (e.g. undead) cannot have the regeneration special ability. I can see why that would be the case (immunity to nonlethal damage makes ...
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