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34 votes
3 answers

How can I balance slightly erotic roleplay and story based roleplay?

With the epidemic, me and my girlfriend ended up unable to have much contact (not even calls since her roommates are always in the house and it would be really awkward with them.) As a result we have ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What are pitfalls I should be aware of with NPC/PC romantic relationships?

I will be running Rise of Tiamat as a sequel to a summer campaign I ran (which was not Hoard of the Dragon Queen). At the end of the campaign two of my PCs, a Bard and a critical role gunslinger, ...
Gwideon's user avatar
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19 votes
4 answers

As a DM, is it improper of me to flirt with one of my players "off the clock"?

(I'm not sure if this belongs here or in interpersonal.SE; I decided to post here because I hope that others may have first- or second-hand experience.) The premise is simple: in my weekly 5e ...
tuskiomi's user avatar
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32 votes
7 answers

How to set up love interests for player characters

A few of my players (2 out of 4 in the current group) would like having a love interest in our campaign. I feel like it's something that we can achieve, as the campaign is not too dark and into "...
Dastardly's user avatar
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7 answers

How do I avoid awkwardness or misunderstandings when roleplaying an NPC in a romance?

Our group consists of two couples. One player seems to like romance (which is just fine). This player's character flirted with her husband's character; he played up the fact that his character was not ...
Taejang's user avatar
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