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7 votes
4 answers

Is there a way for a same-sex couple to have biological offspring?

One of my player characters disguised themselves as a prince to marry a princess in order to steal something. Along the way, the PC and the NPC fell in love for real. The problem is that they are both ...
PotatoLeeg's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

D&D My character is not interested in flirty NPC [closed]

I’m playing a Drunken Master Wood Elf Monk named Jade. Last session, my party after about a weeks worth of traveling had finally made it to their destination. Our party rested up and then decided to ...
Emily's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What are pitfalls I should be aware of with NPC/PC romantic relationships?

I will be running Rise of Tiamat as a sequel to a summer campaign I ran (which was not Hoard of the Dragon Queen). At the end of the campaign two of my PCs, a Bard and a critical role gunslinger, ...
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