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17 votes
6 answers

Conflict with a new player

So I started GMing in this huge sandbox world I've prepared over the last 6 months. At the beginning, everything was fine and I was able to start a campaign with 4 players whom I've known for a while. ...
Elios's user avatar
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47 votes
9 answers

How to deal with a PC being played as homophobic?

I’m about to start a sci-fi campaign using Ultramodern5 (a modification of D&D 5e for non-fantasy settings). I’ve been working with players to help build their characters, and one player character ...
Gwideon's user avatar
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94 votes
8 answers

My group member is displaying disturbing behavior, what do I do?

As the DM, I am becoming more and more deeply disturbed with one of our party members. Here’s a list of things he keeps doing. attacking party members tried to rape a widow (asked if he needed to ...
Hobo_warrior's user avatar
63 votes
13 answers

Help, a player won't stop hitting on every female NPC!

I wanted to play a female GMPC to guide the party through the story. It was also during this time that one of the characters had died also and been replaced by a new character. Within minutes of ...
Laura's user avatar
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