Questions tagged [shadowrun-sr5]

Shadowrun Fifth Edition, by Catalyst Games, is a cyberpunk role-playing game where magic, cybernetics and virtual reality coexist. Player characters are known as shadowrunners. They act in the shadows and outside the law, doing the dirty work of the megacorporations and other powerful forces that control the Sixth World.

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Can I operate a drone without connecting to the Matrix using an RCC?

I'm not sure if I got this right from the book, but seems that I need to be, at least, connected with my drones at the AR level, right? Can I operate it without connecting to the Matrix using an RCC?
Bruno Estrazulas's user avatar
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Matrix Perception and Running Silent in Shadowrun 5e

Shadowrun 5e core rulebook states at page 235: If you’re trying to find an icon that’s running silent (or if you’re running silent and someone’s looking for you), the first thing you need to do is ...
Sarge's user avatar
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Shadowrun SR5: Can Lasers or Sunbeam Spells Damage Electronics?

Someone once said "The vast majority of Shadowrun technologies use optical circuitry and optical chips, especially the expensive ones like implants and cyberdecks" So my question then is, ...
Tristian's user avatar
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Is there a Typo in the effects of eX?

eX is described as having an effect for "(8 – Body) hours, minimum of 1 hour", and then for the same time a disorienting backlash-effect. That much is clear. However, the backlash effects ...
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