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Questions tagged [spell-resistance]

For questions about spell resistance mechanics, ie. mechanics and features where the spells are negated completely, partially, or the normal chance to negate them is increased.

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8 votes
3 answers

How to increase the chance of a spell's success against a foe that can save vs spells most of the time

I'm trying to work out a way to debuff an opponent in order to increase the chance of a spell succeeding against it. First of all, let me describe the situation: The opponent in question is a Rakshasa-...
RickL's user avatar
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1 answer

Does spell resistance apply to grafts?

Perusing the Fiend Folio on page 208, I note the following: A graft is not a magic item: It does not radiate magic once completed, it does not count against a creature’s limit for magic items worn, ...
MichaelDorf's user avatar
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2 answers

Can I use Spell Resistance against my own Silence?

As per Silence: Upon the casting of this spell, complete silence prevails in the affected area. All sound is stopped: Conversation is impossible, spells with verbal components cannot be cast, and no ...
Gloweye's user avatar
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3 answers

Does Aura of Warding give resistance to the damage of Shadow Blade?

The level 7 Oath of Ancients feature, Aura of Warding [Player's Handbook, pg. 87], gives resistance to all spell damage. The spell Shadow Blade [Xanathar's Guide to Everything, pg. 164] conjures a ...
Xirema's user avatar
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9 votes
1 answer

Does "resistance to damage from spells" reduce damage caused by summoning spells?

A few creatures, such as the Archmage, have resistance to damage from spells. If I cast a summoning spell such as Conjure Animals, do the summoned creatures do half damage against an enemy that has ...
Guillaume F.'s user avatar
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2 answers

Do attended items use their wielder's spell resistance?

I want to disintegrate a powerful enemy's weapons. This enemy has a high spell resistance. I know that attended objects receive their wielder's saving throw bonuses, but what about their spell ...
BBeast's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

When can you "resist" a dimensional lock?

The spell Dimensional lock has the following description: You create a shimmering emerald barrier that completely blocks extradimensional travel. Forms of movement barred include astral projection, ...
Binochio's user avatar
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1 answer

Does a golem's magic immunity bypass its opponent's defensive spells?

What happens if, for instance, a Golem tries to grapple a foe that had freedom of movement cast on it? Immunity to Magic (Ex) Golems have immunity to most magical and supernatural effects, except ...
Elliot's user avatar
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1 answer

Does an effect that imposes disadvantage on saving throws remove the advantage from a creature's Magic Resistance trait?

How would the Magic Resistance trait interact with effects that impose disadvantage on saving throws (e.g. the sorcerer’s Heightened Spell Metamagic option, the first bullet point from the bestow ...
Somebody The Stranger's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Does Spell Resistance scale when advancing a monster?

I just advanced a Canoloth (MM 3, p. 200) as I wanted to use it against a level 14 party. It is originally CR 5, and I wanted to raise it to CR 8. So I added 4 HD (CR+2) and the elite array (CR+1). ...
Giorin's user avatar
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14 votes
4 answers

Is there any way to actually impose disadvantage (not just cancel advantage) on saving throws against spells for a creature with Magic Resistance?

Many creatures in D&D 5e have a feature called Magic Resistance. One such is the Archmage: Magic Resistance. The archmage has advantage on saving throws against spells and other magical effects. ...
Thomas Markov's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

Spell resistance and holding the charge

If you are holding a charge and you attack a creature with SR and hit it, but fail to overcome the SR check, does the spell dissipate or do you continue to hold the charge and just not affect the ...
Erudaki's user avatar
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20 votes
3 answers

Is the Magic Resistance trait, which grants advantage on saves against spells/magical effects, broken in Player Characters?

A number of monsters have the Magic Resistance trait, and there are a few ways for player characters to gain a similar benefit. For reference, the trait's description says: Magic Resistance. You have ...
HellSaint's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

What happens when a party member uses a healing spell on an unconscious PC who has spell resistance?

The Spell Resistance (Ex) ability reads, in part: The possessor does not have to do anything special to use spell resistance. The creature need not even be aware of the threat for its spell ...
Verdict00's user avatar
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1 answer

Are Spell Cartridges affected by Damage Resistance or Spell Resistance?

The feat Spell Cartridges allows your gun to shoot force bullets instead of regular ammo. These bullets count as magic for bypassing Damage Resistance. But something bothers me: if these are Force ...
Snakehelm's user avatar
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1 answer

Is there a purpose to the goodberry spell allowing spell resistance?

Do any of the published campaign settings have magic-resistant berries or something?
47948201's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What ways are there to bypass spell resistance?

Our DM originally began by targeting two characters, the Sorlock and the Bladelock, by giving enemies Brooches of Shielding to nerf them. Realizing instead, he had just given us a new revenue stream, ...
Grond's user avatar
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1 answer

How is spell resistance calculated for the Divine Soul feature of the Contemplative prestige class?

How is spell resistance calculated for the Divine Soul feature of the Contemplative prestige class? In the Contemplative's Class Features description (page 32, Complete Divine), it is written: ...
HaveANiceDay's user avatar
8 votes
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When a spell specifies two possible resistances, how is one chosen?

When a spell specifies two possible resistances, how is one chosen? For instance, the spell Create Memories specifies: Resisting the spell requires beating a MR or PsR check with a Difficulty of ...
Stackstuck's user avatar
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2 answers

What spells can be used to damage a Rakshasa before L7 slots are available?

I've been looking for the most effective ways to damage a Rakshasa as a spellcaster, before L7 slots become available. After reading the 3 questions below, Is a Rakshasa immune to Animate Objects? ...
Khashir's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Can creatures with Spell Resistance voluntarily fail saving throws?

Pathfinder's magic rules say that a creature with "special resistance to magic" can voluntarily fail a saving throw against a spell. Voluntarily Giving up a Saving Throw A creature can ...
MikeQ's user avatar
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1 answer

What happens when you touch an indirect combat spell preparation?

When you cast an indirect combat spell with sorcery, the target gets to resist/dodge the spell with a Rea+Int roll. The spell then is launched with an Opposed Test that pits the magician’s ...
Szega's user avatar
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1 answer

Why doesn't Acid Arrow go against Spell Resistance?

I've seen and understand that Acid Arrow doesn't go against Spell Resistance, as shown here. But I have no clear idea for a basis of why this would be the case? Even if you were flinging the dart that ...
Arenn's user avatar
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3 votes
1 answer

Does a Pseudodragon's natural spell resistance stack with the spell resistance granted to familiars?

Pseudodragons have spell resistance 12. As a familiar, at level 11, it gains spell resistance 16 that scales with the wizard's level. Do the spell resistances stack?
JoshuaD's user avatar
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Rolling for spell resistance against multiple creatures

Do you roll a caster level check for spell resistance once per spell, and then apply it to each creature separately, or do you roll a separate caster level check for each affected creature? The ...
Zarus's user avatar
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1 answer

Being fed a potion while having Spell resistance and while unconscious

Normally with potions you are the caster and target, thus SR would not apply. But if you are force fed a potion is this still the case or would SR still deny the spell?
Erudaki's user avatar
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Spell Resistance with Alchemist Bombs

By default, an alchemist's bombs are not affected by spell resistance, because they are a Supernatural (Su) ability. Only spells and spell-like abilities are subject to spell resistance. ...
Akvo's user avatar
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1 answer

Is spell resistance lowered while sleeping?

I was reading the magic rules. Under aiming a spell Some spells restrict you to willing targets only. Declaring yourself as a willing target is something that can be done at any time (even if you're ...
Fering's user avatar
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Does a familiar sharing a spell benefit from its master's feats regarding that spell?

A wizard that possesses the feat Arcane Mastery (Complete Arcane 73) employs the special ability share spells so that both the wizard and the wizard's familiar gain the benefits of the 6th-level Sor/...
Hey I Can Chan's user avatar
2 votes
2 answers

Is the elemental ray spell-like subject to spell resistance?

One of my players is using an acid elemental ray against a creature with spell resistance. There is nothing in the elemental ray or the acidic ray that suggests whether spell resistance applies or ...
Balacertar's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Can a creature that is immune to magic be affected by a spell that ignores spell resistance?

In D&D 3.5 and/or Pathfinder if a creature is immune to magic, does a spell that has "SR: No" affect it ? I ask cause technically its a spell and is magic, but of course spells that don't allow ...
user11211's user avatar
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2 answers

When you willingly lower spell resistance, and discover a harmful spell can you resume it?

If a player is willing to lower their spell resistance to someone casting a spell on them, what choices do they have open to them? If they have spellcraft they have the ability to tell what spell is ...
Fering's user avatar
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10 votes
2 answers

Can True Polymorph be used to transform someone into a shapechanger creature?

The spell clearly says that it does not affect a shapechanger. Shapechangers are not affected by this spell. But has nothing about the opposite. Would that mean that I can change a Goblin into a ...
Alexis Wilke's user avatar
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1 answer

Which caster level bonuses stack for overcoming SR?

Which of the following bonuses stack for overcoming SR? Master Specialist: Caster Level Increase: Upon reaching 6th level, add 1 to your caster level whenever you cast a spell of your chosen ...
Me_Maikey's user avatar
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5 votes
4 answers

How can I gain permanent/regularly usable spell resistance?

I am looking for a way to gain permanent or at least regularly usable (eg. daily) spell resistance, that preferably scales with character. Because of the character concept, I'd like to avoid using ...
kravaros's user avatar
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