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Questions tagged [star-wars-edge-of-the-empire]

Fantasy Flight Games' licensed Star Wars RPG. This is the first in a trilogy of games which include Age of Rebellion and Force and Destiny. Each game focuses on a specific aspect of life in the Star Wars galaxy. This game handles outsider and underworld characters living along the Outer Rim and beyond. (See also: the [star-wars], [star-wars-age-of-rebellion], and [star-wars-force-and-destiny] tags.)

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4 votes
1 answer

Should a stealth check be opposed by vigilance or perception when opposition is not actively searching?

In our Edge of the Empire campaign, we are often wondering how to deal with a situation where a character is attempting to use Stealth to avoid being detected by someone who is not actively searching ...
A. Müller's user avatar
4 votes
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How to handle extreme Starship costs?

As far as I can tell, a great deal of the FFG Star Wars systems are designed around players having a relatively limited amount of money. As a GM, that's all well and good, but I'm worried about the ...
Onyz's user avatar
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38 votes
7 answers

How do I stop a character with a lightsaber from just cutting open every door and wall?

So I'm late stage in an Edge of the Empire game and I would like to present my characters with a challenging final battle. They're on a Star Destroyer whose captain is trying to turn it into a mobile ...
Tyler Robbins's user avatar
7 votes
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Can a character with Brawn 5 use a Heavy Repeating Blaster without the tripod?

Can a character with a Brawn of 5 use a Heavy Repeating Blaster (page 162 of Edge of the Empire) without the tripod? The Heavy Repeating Blaster has a Cumbersome 5 rating, but is described as using a ...
Deus's user avatar
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2 votes
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Freerunning talent clarification

The Fantasy Flight Games SWRPG talent "Freerunning" found in the Cyphers and Masks and Endless Vigil sourcebooks states: Once per round, before performing a Move maneuver, the character may ...
Elliot Hodge's user avatar
5 votes
1 answer

Rise of the Separatists sourcebook talent clarification

In the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG, in the sourcebook Rise of the Separatists, the talent called "Consider Our Options" states: The character may take the Consider Our Options action, making ...
Elliot Hodge's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

What are the costs of a Mechanic's services?

In an Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG Campaign: For various reasons I want to pay a random NPC mechanic to perform an attachment modification check on my weapon instead of my character doing it ...
Elliot Hodge's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

No Setback Die to Reduce

Assume a situation where i can reduce setback by 1 die but i have no more setback to reduce/eliminate; Does that remaining reduction disappear? Some of these features that allow setback reduction are ...
zentechinc's user avatar
16 votes
3 answers

To what extent would using the initiative system from Edge of the Empire in 5e break the game?

I've been checking out Star Wars - Edge of the Empire and I really like the initiative system used in it. ... Once all Initiative checks have been made, the CM notes down the results of each ...
Count Quizzical's user avatar
10 votes
4 answers

What should I keep in mind when running a Star Wars game?

It is our group's first time running a Star Wars campaign ever, and it seems that the role of GM has fallen to me. (For context, our group has previously played: D&D 5e AD&D 1e Call of ...
Chromanyx's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

How can I motivate my players' characters to explore, when they have teleportation?

My group and I are playing a Superhero Campaign. We are using the Fantasy Flight Games Roleplaying system used in their Star Wars series, with a mixture of the Marvel Heroic Roleplaying. In the Marvel ...
Jeseetv's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

How do I make my campaign feel less linear? How do I make PC decisions Rewarding? [closed]

This is my first campaign as a GM and I feel that I need to give my players more options, or the ability to make more decisions, and sometimes when they make big decisions, I feel like I am not ...
Jeseetv's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Once a Character exceeds Wound Threshold, do they gain a new Critical Injury each time they take damage?

Edge of the Empire Core Book, Pg 215 : Exceeding Wound Threshold When a PC suffers wounds greater than their wound threshold, they are knocked out and incapacitated until their wounds are reduced so ...
OneCritWonder's user avatar
7 votes
2 answers

Can I convert a D6 Star Wars character to Edge of the Empire?

Is there a way to convert an old Star Wars character (d6 system) to Edge of the Empire?
Kyrie001's user avatar
7 votes
1 answer

Can we pick a cheaper starting ship and add mods to it at the start?

Can a group pick a cheap ship with mods as a starting ship in EotE, as long as the total cost doesn't exceed the 120.000 maximum credit amount for starting ships?
Nyllcode's user avatar
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3 votes
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Incorporating "Fiber Cord Wrist Launcher"

During a campaign, I randomly found a "Fiber Cord Wrist Launcher". That, in theory, is awesome. It is a major tool used by Boba Fett (and I think Jango) and has a lot of uses. It has a grapple, can ...
J M's user avatar
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3 votes
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Encouraging Velocity with Destiny Points

In this question, the hypothetical of having destiny points "locked" is mentioned. For me, this isn't a hypothetical. I love the idea of these points being used to incentivize/discourage different ...
Bagahnoodles's user avatar
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9 votes
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If you own the FFG Star Wars books, do you need the Genesys Core Book to start playing it?

As a long time player of the FFG Star Wars games (Edge of the Empire, Age of Rebellion, and Force and Destiny), I was very excited to hear about the release of FFG's new RPG Genesys, which uses the ...
Aidanovski's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Are there any rules about species-specific weapons being limited at character creation?

One of my players (we are using knight rules) wanted a Rodian Cryogen Whip at start. In the past I've heard that most species specific items are limited at start to those species like a bowcaster to ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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How do I narrate non-physical strain?

I'm sort of baffled about strain "injuries" in Edge of the Empire. As an example: EV-8D3 in the Debts to Pay book that is part of the GM screen has an abilitiy called Improved Scathing Tirade, letting ...
stacked_deck's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

What to do when a roll resolves as nothing?

I ran the Age of Rebellion Starter Game for a bunch of my friends, and numerous times during combat, they rolled and got a blank end result - no Successes, no Failures, and no Advantages or ...
Vandalheart's user avatar
0 votes
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How does force-attitude affect my character?

When creating a character for our Star Wars campaign1, I get to choose things such as the beginnings of my character, an attitude towards the Force as well as a reason for adventure. While it is ...
dot_Sp0T's user avatar
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13 votes
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How to handle immature player as a first-time GM?

It is my first time GM for a Star Wars: Edge Of The Empire campaign, and I've been having problems with one of the players. Most are "mature" when roleplaying, meaning they take the story, and the ...
darthbomp's user avatar
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8 votes
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Cross-Game Parties: Which book has final say in the event of a contradiction?

If a group is using content from multiple game lines (such as Edge of the Empire & Force and Destiny), which book takes precedence in the event of a contradiction? For example in EotE Core, the ...
Dyndrilliac's user avatar
6 votes
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What do smugglers earn?

The newest bounty hunter book at least has information on what bounty hunters earn for what job. Is there anything similar for smugglers somewhere about what they earn, and if so where can I find it?
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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7 votes
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Can a Force user ignore a negative Combined Force Power Check?

On one session a player with a Force Sensitive character tried to use the Move Force Power to make a ranged (discipline) attack check against an enemy with adversary 3 talent. This PC rolled 2 ...
Trolleitor's user avatar
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How to resolve force powers on minion groups?

Minions groups acts as a single entity on Star Wars FFG. But I'm not sure how force powers works with those groups of minions. For example, my interpretation is that if I use a force power, like ...
Trolleitor's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a prepared attack?

I mean, is it possible to spend the character's turn just waiting to something to happen, and then react inmediately out of the assigned slot? For example, aiming at the end of a corridor and then ...
Mario González's user avatar
3 votes
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Points in Pool of Destiny

I'm trying to understand how the Pool of Destiny works in Star Wars. In Edge of the Empire page 28 it says ...players could theoretically "lock" all the Destiny Points and simply not spend any ...
Travis's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Where can I find more information about the Kel'Dor? [closed]

I'm joining a Star Wars Pen & Paper Roleplay Group. I already generated my character with the GM; a Kel'Dor. I was searching in the rulebooks we have for more information about the Kel'Dor and ...
Sappel's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

Do Stormtroopers in a group each act individually?

In Edge of the Empire, one of the categories of adversaries is Minions. Aside from their (fairly pathetic), base stats, minions have the following characteristics: Minions do not suffer strain ...
Weaveworker89's user avatar
0 votes
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I have no idea where to take the campaign I'm running, need some advice [closed]

I'm a brand new GM and decided to run my first campaign with Star Wars: Edge of the Empire. When helping my players create characters I told them they should make they make like the crew in firefly, ...
sedamk's user avatar
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5 votes
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Can advantages be left unspent?

I find that my players end up with a lot of advantages, and sometimes we just don't have any use for them. Especially the last round of combat. Am I missing something here or is it ok to just ignore ...
residood's user avatar
11 votes
3 answers

What's the benefit from upgrading green dice to yellow dice?

In Star Wars, you can spend resources to upgrade green dice to yellow. Green dice have eight sides, five success symbols, and five advantage symbols. The average success rate is 0.6255 and the ...
Dan B's user avatar
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9 votes
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Do TIE Fighters use minion rules?

A thing that currently confuses me is the stat block of the TIE pilot showing that they are normally are minions. But what about space fights? In space combat are they still used according to minion ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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Can a character even harm a vehicle without heavy weapons?

In the films and series we have repeated situations where characters shoot at vehicles (like the stormtroopers at the falcon, Leia at slave one, rebels at AT-ST, ...). They do this not only with just ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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1 vote
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Does the accurate weapon trait stack if I wield 2 accurate weapons?

If I wield 2 weapons each with accurate (example 2 shotos) does accurate stack? And if so are there any requirements, like attacking with both at the same time?
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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Are there any jump-capable fighters in the books that don't have an astromech?

After finding only fighters that have astromechs that are jump-capable in the books I have, I'm wondering: Are there any fighters in expansions or supplements that are jump capable and don't have an ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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0 answers

Are there any significant differences between Edge of the Empire and Age of Rebellion? [closed]

As far as I can tell, both titles are recent and from Fantasy Flight Games — are there any differences between the two in terms of mechanics, tone, etc.?
king of panes's user avatar
6 votes
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Is it possible to buy weapon attachment modifications?

In SWEotE, according to core rules, you buy weapon attachments / add-ons - as many as the weapon has slots are possible. You can then modify them by spending 100 credits and passing a hard (3x ...
Martin's user avatar
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How do you heal a crippling critical?

Note: Follow up to: Can permanent critical damage be healed/prevented? SWEotE has one specific entry in the Critical Injuries table: Crippled: One of the target's limbs (selected by the GM) is ...
Martin's user avatar
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Can permanent critical damage be healed/prevented?

I'm trying to understand how healing critical damage /critical injuries in SWEotE works. The rulebook is clear for the easy stuff: if you get a scratch, or are stunned e.g., the effect is (...
Martin's user avatar
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Melee vs. short Blaster in SWEotE?

We had a situation where my blaster pistol wielding character was attacked by a opponent with a melee weapon. What ensued was that the opponent closed into melee range and attacked, then on my turn ...
Martin's user avatar
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Making sense of Weapon Modifications in SWEOTE?

There is a thing in Star Wars Edge of the Empire with regard to weapon modifications (Chapter 5: Equipment)* that I just don't get: It states that if you get a Despair symbol, the equipment is ...
Martin's user avatar
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Edge of the Empire -- what Sith exist in this period? [closed]

Does anyone know where I can find a good resource to see the generally agreed upon living sith/jedi in the edge of the empire time period? I suppose the game justifies that there are living, trained ...
Daniel Thompson's user avatar
14 votes
2 answers

Is one Proficiency die better than two Ability dice?

My GM often allows me and the other players to roll one skill or another for various checks (Coordination or Athletics is a common option; the character either balances across an obstacle or bypasses ...
Tritium21's user avatar
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What determines how much XP I reward each session?

I know that if characters role play toward their motivation they should get 5xp for it but generally are there any other guidelines for awarding xp regarding combat or story objectives?
Joshua Aslan Smith's user avatar
3 votes
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When taking Force Sensitive Emergent or Exile, when do you gain the force rating of 1?

As the title says, when you take the Force Sensitive Emergent or Exile specialization when do you gain the force rating of 1? Is it upon unlocking the specialization which means you can dip into it ...
Samuel's user avatar
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How many starting credits do PCs receive?

I've looked through the book multiple times but can't find where the default starting credits amount is for new PCs. I know you can get bonus credits for additional obligation, but I simply am ...
Joshua Aslan Smith's user avatar
4 votes
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Influence power checks and multiple affected

For Influence, the basic power only affects 1 target, and one needs the Magnitude upgrade to influence multiple targets with one go. The Control upgrade increases your successes/advantages for a ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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