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Questions tagged [star-wars-force-and-destiny]

Force and Destiny is the third in the trilogy of licensed Star Wars RPGs from Fantasy Flight Games. This game focuses on force sensitive characters and their internal and external struggles to learn more about the Force. (See also: the [star-wars], [star-wars-edge-of-the-empire], and [star-wars-age-of-rebellion] tags.)

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4 votes
1 answer

Should a stealth check be opposed by vigilance or perception when opposition is not actively searching?

In our Edge of the Empire campaign, we are often wondering how to deal with a situation where a character is attempting to use Stealth to avoid being detected by someone who is not actively searching ...
A. Müller's user avatar
13 votes
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How much xp is a lightsaber worth?

I'm new to the star wars force and destiny role game. While reading through the rules on page 322 of the core rulebook I found the following statement: PCs uninterested in lightsaber combat should ...
findusl's user avatar
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Freerunning talent clarification

The Fantasy Flight Games SWRPG talent "Freerunning" found in the Cyphers and Masks and Endless Vigil sourcebooks states: Once per round, before performing a Move maneuver, the character may ...
Elliot Hodge's user avatar
5 votes
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Rise of the Separatists sourcebook talent clarification

In the Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG, in the sourcebook Rise of the Separatists, the talent called "Consider Our Options" states: The character may take the Consider Our Options action, making ...
Elliot Hodge's user avatar
7 votes
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What are the costs of a Mechanic's services?

In an Fantasy Flight Games Star Wars RPG Campaign: For various reasons I want to pay a random NPC mechanic to perform an attachment modification check on my weapon instead of my character doing it ...
Elliot Hodge's user avatar
3 votes
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How unbalanced would be a homerule allowing any 1 lightsaber technique to be "career"?

I'm thinking about running a FFG Star Wars campaign with Force and Destiny careers allowed for characters. I've been looking over those career specializations though, and a lot of them (ok, all of ...
T.E.D.'s user avatar
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No Setback Die to Reduce

Assume a situation where i can reduce setback by 1 die but i have no more setback to reduce/eliminate; Does that remaining reduction disappear? Some of these features that allow setback reduction are ...
zentechinc's user avatar
-1 votes
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Star Wars Beginner Box Set [closed]

I'm 42 years with Emotional and Behavioral issues(Disabled). I have all three Beginner Box Set game. How do I get my niece and her boyfriend to play one of the Star Wars Beginner Box Set games?. ...
user61329's user avatar
1 vote
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Can a holocron be hacked and its data extracted by a droid?

As a player is trying it for the first time. Is it even possible that a holocron can be hacked by a droid with his interface and the data extracted? Or is it impossible / too difficult?
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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52 votes
7 answers

Player is obsessed with shaving my wookiee

We're playing the Star Wars RPG but this problem isn't system specific. It's normal for this group to drop character, usually for jokes and chatter, so that isn't something that can be addressed. ...
speciesUnknown's user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

Once a Character exceeds Wound Threshold, do they gain a new Critical Injury each time they take damage?

Edge of the Empire Core Book, Pg 215 : Exceeding Wound Threshold When a PC suffers wounds greater than their wound threshold, they are knocked out and incapacitated until their wounds are reduced so ...
OneCritWonder's user avatar
3 votes
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Incorporating "Fiber Cord Wrist Launcher"

During a campaign, I randomly found a "Fiber Cord Wrist Launcher". That, in theory, is awesome. It is a major tool used by Boba Fett (and I think Jango) and has a lot of uses. It has a grapple, can ...
J M's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

What to do when a roll resolves as nothing?

I ran the Age of Rebellion Starter Game for a bunch of my friends, and numerous times during combat, they rolled and got a blank end result - no Successes, no Failures, and no Advantages or ...
Vandalheart's user avatar
0 votes
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How does force-attitude affect my character?

When creating a character for our Star Wars campaign1, I get to choose things such as the beginnings of my character, an attitude towards the Force as well as a reason for adventure. While it is ...
dot_Sp0T's user avatar
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Cross-Game Parties: Which book has final say in the event of a contradiction?

If a group is using content from multiple game lines (such as Edge of the Empire & Force and Destiny), which book takes precedence in the event of a contradiction? For example in EotE Core, the ...
Dyndrilliac's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can a Force user ignore a negative Combined Force Power Check?

On one session a player with a Force Sensitive character tried to use the Move Force Power to make a ranged (discipline) attack check against an enemy with adversary 3 talent. This PC rolled 2 ...
Trolleitor's user avatar
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3 answers

How to resolve force powers on minion groups?

Minions groups acts as a single entity on Star Wars FFG. But I'm not sure how force powers works with those groups of minions. For example, my interpretation is that if I use a force power, like ...
Trolleitor's user avatar
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Is it possible to make a prepared attack?

I mean, is it possible to spend the character's turn just waiting to something to happen, and then react inmediately out of the assigned slot? For example, aiming at the end of a corridor and then ...
Mario González's user avatar
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Is disarm really a useful move?

When you disarm a foe, how far away does the disarmed weapon fall? Can the disarmed character recover the weapon in their next maneuver and thus continue the fight without penalty, except, maybe, ...
Mario González's user avatar
21 votes
4 answers

How should I deal with players who prefer "realistic" approaches to challenges?

this is my first time asking on here so I hope I'm asking a viable question. So I'm currently GMing for a four man party in my Force and Destiny game. The party is made up of three Force-users and a ...
IronSong's user avatar
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How to embed a Force user (w/ metaphysical powers) into a technical party? [closed]

We're gonna start a Force and Destiny Star Wars campaign soon, and as the Star Wars expert and hard sci-fi fan I'm (happily) the GM. The issue is that one player is into high fantasy so as a Force ...
user3079666's user avatar
3 votes
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Is it possible to check Morality without previous Conflict?

Is it possible to check Morality at the end of a game session if previously the character hasn't earned Conflict? In other words, if the character stays in the Light Side at every moment and do not ...
Mario González's user avatar
4 votes
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Can several players use several Destiny Points in a single action?

Can several players use several Destiny Points in a single action, one Destiny Point per player?
Mario Gonzalez's user avatar
9 votes
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Do TIE Fighters use minion rules?

A thing that currently confuses me is the stat block of the TIE pilot showing that they are normally are minions. But what about space fights? In space combat are they still used according to minion ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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Can a character even harm a vehicle without heavy weapons?

In the films and series we have repeated situations where characters shoot at vehicles (like the stormtroopers at the falcon, Leia at slave one, rebels at AT-ST, ...). They do this not only with just ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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Does the accurate weapon trait stack if I wield 2 accurate weapons?

If I wield 2 weapons each with accurate (example 2 shotos) does accurate stack? And if so are there any requirements, like attacking with both at the same time?
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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Are there any jump-capable fighters in the books that don't have an astromech?

After finding only fighters that have astromechs that are jump-capable in the books I have, I'm wondering: Are there any fighters in expansions or supplements that are jump capable and don't have an ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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8 votes
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Can I use force move to throw myself?

I'm wondering about force move. Can it be used to throw oneself at a location (or to use it while falling down to throw oneself upwards to a target location)? As far as I interpret things: There is ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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14 votes
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Is one Proficiency die better than two Ability dice?

My GM often allows me and the other players to roll one skill or another for various checks (Coordination or Athletics is a common option; the character either balances across an obstacle or bypasses ...
Tritium21's user avatar
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Range of committed Force Sense

What is the range of the committed Force Sense die ability? This is the effect where the user can upgrade the difficulty of dice of attacks. Does this extend to Extreme range and beyond?
Sawyer's user avatar
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How do you upgrade the difficulty of a Force: harm check?

Can the Force:Sense Control Upgrade in which you commit a force die to upgrade the difficulty of an attack also affect force powers like Harm? As force powers targeting a PC or an important NPC ...
Eric's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can I miss attacks on purpose?

So this may seem like a dumb question, but can I roll an attack and even if it hits miss on purpose to trigger say the feint skill assuming I had the advantages to do so?
Eric's user avatar
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4 votes
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Influence power checks and multiple affected

For Influence, the basic power only affects 1 target, and one needs the Magnitude upgrade to influence multiple targets with one go. The Control upgrade increases your successes/advantages for a ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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9 votes
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Is Aiming for Ranged or also Melee?

Is the aiming maneuver only for ranged weapons, or do melee weapons also apply? My group says otherwise, I just want some clarification.
Eric's user avatar
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Does Sundering require a hit in Force & Destiny?

I've been reading the active item qualities, and most of them say "If you hit you may spend so and so adv to do something." Sunder however just says "spend 1 adv to sunder". My friends say you need ...
Eric's user avatar
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6 votes
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How to Disable a Lightsaber?

I let a knight-level player start with a lightsaber, and it has gotten a little too powerful. With most weapons, Sunder is an option, but that doesn't work on lightsabers (p. 175) and I presume that ...
Sawyer's user avatar
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Can one force jump into engaged?

If one moves normally it is so that you move into short distance then another maneuver to move into engaged. But my question is now if I use force jump (enhance force tree) and am able to jump medium ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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