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Questions tagged [supers]

For questions about “supers”, the RPG genre of superheroes and -villains, often drawing inspirations and tropes from classic and modern superhero comics.

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3 votes
2 answers

How to design a superhero rpg around a certain power level? [closed]

A common thing in superhero rpgs is that they're designed for all characters to be within a specific power range, mainly for balance purposes and not having to deal with absurd situations like Aunt ...
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13 votes
1 answer

Which superhero RPG system is this quote about?

Many years ago, someone shared the following anecdote about a superhero RPG system. (I've paraphrased considerably since I don't remember the exact text.) Attempts to do weird things to a character, ...
Dan B's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How does “uses” and “duration” apply to Wonder Woman’s bracers and Superman’s suit in DC Heroes?

In DC Heroes (first edition, 1985), Wonder Woman (Gamemaster’s Manual, page 80) has, under equipment, her “Bracers” with “Uses 10: Duration: 15". Superman (page 79) has his “Super Uniform” with “...
Jerry Stratton's user avatar
4 votes
1 answer

Burning damage in Savage Worlds

I will soon start a game of Necessary Evil, and one of my players will have the Elemental Attack (fire) superpower, and I am not completely sure if I understand the rules correctly. Anytime ...
The Lazy Scimitar's user avatar
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What GM preparation would help with a first try at Valiant Universe RPG?

I'm planning on getting a new group together to try out Valiant RPG. This is a new system to me, and a new group of players, plus I'm used to the model "1 GM, many players" so the rotating GM style ...
Michael's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

RPG where everyone is an asylum resident and an ex-supervillain

I remember an RPG where all players play ex-supervillains (or just mad people who believed to be supervillians) in an asylum. They tell their stories and can be interrupted by others in a systematic ...
OganM's user avatar
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How do I run a superhero game in GURPS lite 4th edition? [closed]

I was planning on making a superhero game for my friend who is new to RPGS in GURPS lite and realized that there was a severe lack of superhero powers. Yes, "Jumper" is a very superhero power but I ...
Ice900 4's user avatar
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8 votes
3 answers

How can I design adventures or a campaign in the genre of superheroes to encourage active players?

This is related to a previous question I had, albeit more related directly to design rather than looking for a proof of concept. I've been writing some adventures with a house-ruled version of ...
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5 votes
1 answer

What is an example of a Supers module/adventure that preserves/highly values player agency? [closed]

I'm asking this question because I've yet to see a Superhero adventure written in any system that doesn't read like a railroad, or have interesting choices beyond win/lose the fight and get a slightly ...
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