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Sr5 Shadowrun Technomancers in space?

Are technomancers gods in space compared to all other magic archetypes? I've heard in space Magic users are subject to a -6 to -12 penalty to their magic (i.e., 0 for everyone), assensing doesn't work ...
Tristian's user avatar
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How can Technomancers use the Resonance Veil complex form?

How can Technomancers use the Resonance Veil complex form in a way that is neither useless nor broken? p.253 of the core (emphasis mine) This complex form lets you make the target believe ...
Korusef's user avatar
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13 votes
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Are initiation and submersion intended to have such a major Karma disparity?

The cost to initiate as a Magic user is 10 + (Grade × 3), so for the first five Grades, the costs are: 13, 16, 19, 22, and 25; totaling 95 Karma. Initiation provides a single benefit from a ...
gatherer818's user avatar
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How does a Technomancer protect his (and especially his team's) gear?

A decker would simply slave important devices to his deck and use his deck's Firewall rating (plus any running programs) to defend his team from Matrix attack, but a Technomancer's living persona ...
gatherer818's user avatar
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12 votes
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Does a Technomancer get the full benefits of his wireless gear?

In SR5, the wording on most of the wireless-enabled gear makes it seem like a Technomancer only gets the same benefits as someone wearing AR-goggles, and would need to have cyberware to get the full ...
gatherer818's user avatar
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