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Questions tagged [ubiquity]

For questions about Ubiquity, an RPG system created by Exile Game Studios for the Hollow Earth Expedition RPG. It is also used for Desolation, All for One: Regime Diabolique, Leagues of Adventure, Space 1889, Quantum Black, Wilderness Kids, and Roan. Designed to be fast, unobtrusive, and easy to learn. Ubiquity works with any even-sided die types (using them as d2s) in dice pools with variable Difficulty Numbers and Degrees of Success/Failure.

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3 votes
1 answer

What is the effect of being prone in the Ubiquity RPG system?

In the Ubiquity RPG system (used for Hollow Earth Expedition and other games), the action “Stand Up” reads: Falling down is easy; it is getting up that is hard. Your character can fall prone as a ...
user29476's user avatar
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6 votes
1 answer

In the Ubiquity RPG system, what is the advantage of using continuous combat?

In the Ubiquity RPG system (as used in Hollow Earth Expedition or Space 1889), an alternative initiative system ("continuous combat", where actions take place continuously, without use of combat turns)...
user29476's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

Do skills bought in Ubiquity character creation start at level 1 or level 0?

During character creation, it says that skills are bought on a 1 for 1 basis and that you begin the game with 4 Zero-level skills that costs 1/2 pt to raise to level 1. Our Game Master is taking this ...
John Yoshino's user avatar
7 votes
3 answers

What are the differences in the rules between Hollow Earth Expedition, All For One, and Desolation?

Between the Hollow Earth Expedition, All For One, and Desolation RPGs what are the differences with each's Ubiquity System (if any)?
Jeffrywith1e's user avatar
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6 votes
3 answers

Are there any Ubiquity System blogs? [closed]

There are many D&D, Pathfinder or generic RPG blogs, but are there any Ubiquity System or Hollow Earth Expedition blogs out there?
Jeffrywith1e's user avatar
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11 votes
4 answers

Explain why Ubiquity doesn't have an asymmetrical bell curve like most dice pool systems?

A post on Pen and Paper Games forum states that the Ubiquity system does not have an asymmetrical bell curve as other dice pool systems typically do (like the D6 system). Where can I find this ...
Jeffrywith1e's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

Where can I find an extensive list of Wilderness Kids products?

Hollow Earth Expedition's Ubiquity System was expanded into a game called Wilderness Kids targeted to younger gamers giving them an introduction to roleplaying and the Ubiquity rules. The resources ...
Jeffrywith1e's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

Is it possible to get more successes than you have dice in your pool in Ubiquity?

With reference to this question and this answer, I wonder if ubiquity has a rolling up mechanic, to allow the slight possibility of exceptional successes. So, Is it possible in Ubiquity to get more ...
Mark Booth's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

In Ubiquity powered games, what number Style points keeps tension and heroic action in balance?

Characters in games using the Ubiquity Roleplaying System often begin play with fewer than 2 Style points. Methods of gaining them, and situations for using them are clearly defined in the various ...
Runeslinger's user avatar
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13 votes
3 answers

Ubiquity: Best method to excitingly adjudicate the effects of Persuasion (Con/Diplomacy)

In Pulp Adventure games using the Ubiquity Roleplaying System what is an effective method to add tension, and ensure consistency in applying results, when handling social interactions based on Con and ...
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