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24 votes
5 answers

Does the level prerequisite for Invocations refer to class or character level?

The level requirements for Warlock invocations stated in the PHB are refering to which level, character or Warlock class? Example: If I multiclassed into Warlock, Monk6/Warlock2, would I be able to ...
Wyznmurl's user avatar
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15 votes
4 answers

Can A Warlock Change Patrons?

This is primarily a "Flavor" question (or maybe not given the long range ramifications) that came up during a game session from reading the late 4th edition "Dungeons and Dragons" comic where the ...
Basement Cat's user avatar
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11 votes
2 answers

What happens to a Warlock's expended Spell Slots when they gain a Level?

Suppose a Level 6 Warlock has expended both of their Level 3 Spell Slots. Then, upon receiving XP, they gain enough to level up to Level 7. They immediately gain access to their new spell (and their ...
Xirema's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How does multiclassing affect Eldritch Invocations with level prerequisites? [duplicate]

Ok... I'm making a Paladin of Conquest from Xanathar's Guide to Everything. At around 9th level I want to Multiclass three levels into a Hexblade Warlock (also from XGtE). I was wondering does ...
TribalBearWarrior's user avatar
6 votes
3 answers

Do clerics, paladins, and warlocks gain level ups from their own power, or from their patrons or gods?

A friend and I (we both DM for each other occasionally) are having a discussion about where the increases in power of divine (cleric and paladin) and psuedo-divine (warlock) classes comes from at ...
inthemanual's user avatar
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5 votes
2 answers

How many spell slots does a Level 3 Warlock have?

The Warlock Table in the PHB (p106) states that a Warlock has the following: 1 First-level spell slot at level 1. 2 First-level spell slots at level 2. 2 Second-level spell slots at level 3. Does ...
Robert's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

Are the level prerequisites for warlock invocations your total multiclass character level? [duplicate]

If I was playing a character (class) 8/warlock 1, and then I put another level into warlock, would I be able to take the Sculptor of Flesh invocation?
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