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Questions tagged [world-of-darkness]

For questions about games branded “World of Darkness”, including the original “old WoD” or “classic WoD” and the “WoD” reboot by WW/Paradox Interactive/Modiphius. Not for nWoD/CoD questions. See full description for details.

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Finding the way through the Mists of Forgetfullness

Problem Statement Welcome to The Dreaming, the place where Fae show their true Miens and get more powerful the deeper they go... wait, I just welcomed you, so you must have Entered the Dreaming, right?...
Trish's user avatar
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6 votes
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Are the Statlines of the Kusarigama and Manriki-Gusari flipped?

Mage 20th anniversary edition offers some weapons. In fact, it offers the most extensive weapon toybox in all 20th anniversary edition books. Among them is the category of "whips and chains"....
Trish's user avatar
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12 votes
1 answer

How long can a Thin-Blood stay awake before having to sleep?

It is implied in the books that Thin-Bloods can operate during the day, even more heavily so if the have the Daydrinker merit. But I can not find any elaboration on how long a Thin-Blood can stave off ...
Clarus_Nox's user avatar
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Can Laham mages learn Demon Lores?

On Page 80 of Book of Secrets, there is the Nephilim/Laham merit. It mentions providing several infernal investments if you opt to be a Laham. While it makes no mention of providing access to Demon ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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7 votes
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Can you use Prime in order to treat businesses as nodes?

In Page 526-527 of Mage20 the book mentions how Primal Utility (Prime) can be used to treat businesses as nodes. Does this require a mage to have the technocrat version of Prime or can any mage whose ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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4 votes
3 answers

Is there a drawback to using Heart's blood rote repeatedly?

In the Mage Revised edition there is a rote called Heart's blood a mage can use with Prime 1 sphere. It reads as such. The Mage can sacrifice their health for Quintessence, at a rate of one point per ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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6 votes
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How does one pay off flaws?

The description of the Sterile merit in M20 Book Of Secrets reads as such: For some physical reason, you’re unable to sire or conceive children. Whether this is a Merit or a Flaw depends upon whether ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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5 votes
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Is there a way to restore the soul points of someone who made a soul pact?

In The Book Of Madness(Revised) the game offers mechanics for selling one's soul piecemeal at a time. Each mage has a (Willpower+Arete)*10 soul points which is the amount of their soul they can trade ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

How can I publish my alternate sphere rules for Mage?

I have been designing alternative rules for Mage: The Ascension. (My alternate magic rules are published on the V5 Homebrew Wiki.) I want to find a way of publishing them, without infringing on the ...
Corey White's user avatar
6 votes
4 answers

How does a low-accuracy, high-damage action work in World of Darkness's dice system?

I used to play D20 and D100-based games a lot. Recently I'm designing a game for modern audiences who were not familiar with the D20 dice stuff at all and was thinking of a modified version of World ...
L2m's user avatar
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11 votes
1 answer

Does magic that quickens healing help with damage dealt by Heart's Blood?

Heart's Blood rote reads as such. An initiate of Prime can easily sense the flow of Quintessence through his own body — his life energy. This energy flows from the Tellurian, through the Life Pattern ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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13 votes
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Does the lore say whether Glass Walkers and drones ever collaborate?

As the question sounds, of the tribes the Glass Walkers have an unconventional relationship with the Weaver - so I wondered if it is mentioned in the lore if they have the usual default attitude to ...
anon's user avatar
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How would a Garou missing an arm affect its stats?

This question is about 20th Anniversary edition if it helps. Whether from losing it in battle, or a metis born with one arm - I was hoping to ask if there’s anything explicit anywhere on how this ...
anon's user avatar
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Where are the W20 rules for creating, etc. Den-Realms?

I have searched these books in PDF form: Werewolf - The Apocalypse (zero hits for "den-realm") Changing Breeds (25 hits for "den-realm", none dealing with this topic; "...
Zsar's user avatar
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17 votes
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How to pitch Wraith in a responsible fashion without risking traumatizing people?

Sometime around 2000, I was introduced to Wraith in the worst fashion ever, and it destroyed any interest in me ever reading the rule portions but I learned to love the worldbuilding of it. In essence,...
Trish's user avatar
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8 votes
1 answer

On the Nature of the Barrier between Russia and China

Hengeyokai, Shapeshifters of the East, page 43 contains this paragraph, right before the Tapestry: A list of all the physical locations of interest in the Mirror Lands would take several exhaustive ...
Trish's user avatar
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7 votes
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Searching for an Obfuscated vampire that just disappeared would break the obfuscation?

Unseen Presence, the level 2 power for Obfuscate states (emphasis mine): The vampire remains ignored indefinitely unless someone deliberately seeks him out or he inadvertently reveals himself. So ...
Kelhendros's user avatar
8 votes
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How strong are elite mortal troops in Vampire: the Masquerade?

In Vampire: the Masquerade (5e), how strong would be a mortal NPC who specializes in combat? Think "spec ops" who are ready to fight vampires but without true faith or other mystical ...
Anne Aunyme's user avatar
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How are Ajaba Metis being "hermaphrodites"?

I have not played W:TA before (but have been playing other systems since ~2009, mostly DnD variants and DSA 5). I will not have access to source books before session 1, where the group will create ...
Zsar's user avatar
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3 votes
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Can players create custom totems?

Is it possible to create a custom totem? Or should the pack just choose a existing totem from the books and then spend points in Totem Background to improve it? If the players can create a custom ...
Bruno Estrazulas's user avatar
6 votes
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Without Avatar, can I spend Quintessence in any way to cast spells?

I'm reading Mage: The Ascension (I believe it's second edition). The description of the Avatar background says that "the rank of Avatar also represents the limit of Quintessence points that a ...
Bruno Estrazulas's user avatar
2 votes
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Why do we need to halve superficial damage? [closed]

Why was this rule created with dividing superficial damage in half? I mean it's very confusing, why couldn't the number of hit points be multiplied by 2? Do I have to ask players to remember to divide ...
Андрей Ходько's user avatar
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How many gods are there in oWoD? [closed]

I'm looking for a comprehensive listL I know there is THE God, who made Angels, kicked some of them out of heaven thus making Fallen and left, bored with the state of things. There are Egyptian Gods, ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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Where do I learn more about Jonas Albrecht?

W20 starts with a glorious little comic, in which a white-haired guy called Albrecht with a huge Klaive rescues a cub. Then in the Character Generation example, we learn Jonas Albrecht's setup for ...
Trish's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

Are there any mechanics for learning the true name of a fallen?

In World Of Darkness each Demon possesses a true name and knowing their true name allows you to exercise control over them. There is a mention of being able to study a fallens mannerism, actions and ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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8 votes
2 answers

Are merits unique to the splat they are provided in?

I am aware that some merits are by their nature tied to their splats, examples of this would be merits such as 'Prestigious Sire' and 'Avatar companion' but merits such as 'Concentration' that reads ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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8 votes
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Does the level 4 Serpentis power include the level 2 and 3 powers?

In the context of Vampire: The Dark Ages 20th Anniversary edition. The level 4 Serpentis power allows the vampire to transform into a hideous snake-creature. Does this also include the Typhonic Maw ...
Destruktor's user avatar
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How did the frequent blood hunts further Queen Anne's ambitions before the Fall of London?

I'm somewhat conflicted about the frequent blood hunts (WOD: A World of Darkness Second Edition, p. 57) because the stricter grip on the city signals weakness (WOD: A World of Darkness Second Edition, ...
Akixkisu's user avatar
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Passing through solid objects

What Spheres are required to emulate Kitty Pride powers from X-Men (Marvel) or Flash ability to "vibrate through" from Justice League (DC)? Context: my virtual adept is built to be a perfect ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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7 votes
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What level of supplemental Sphere is required for the effect?

Mage the Ascension 20th Anniversary Rulebook has a lot of inconsistency when it comes to required Sphere Levels in Sphere effect descriptions. Sometimes it's: add Mind X to that Effect ...which is ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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10 votes
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Required spheres for a Mages to survive a point blank nuclear blast

The story teller and I had a disagreement on how or if a mage could survive a nuclear explosion at ground zero. They can see a countdown and know when the detonation will occur. They have 10 minutes. ...
zenijos10's user avatar
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Are there any known methods for a Mage to strengthen their avatar?

I remember the person who introduced me to Mage The Ascension mentioning "It is a symbiotic relationship between the mage and the avatar. As the mage grows in strength, so does the avatar." ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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17 votes
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How do you LARP highly observant characters?

I'm designing a character for a World of Darkness parlour LARP who's supposed to be highly perceptive and observant. (A tad beyond human capability, at character creation.) What are your strategies ...
E.V's user avatar
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Status equivalent for mortals?

I know some book had an equivalent for mortals, but I honestly don't remember which one. Thus what rank one could be with 5 being a king or so (didn't find it when skimming through my books nor the ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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How does Mage travel between different realms?

I'm interested in strictly mechanical procedure on how to "planar travel" pretty much everywhere across Tellurian. What spheres and on what level are needed to travel? If those differ ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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3 votes
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What happens when a Co-Location copy is harmed or dies?

I want to start using the Correspondence 4 effect to Co-Locate myself. As described in rulebook, it also requires Mind 1 for basic effect (each copy doing the same thing) or Mind 1 + Life 2 for ...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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What is the vampires' take on demons?

In medieval times as far as I remember demons were seen as enemies (earthbound mostly). In modern nights does that still hold true? Are they seen as enemies to be hunted on sight still or not? And ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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14 votes
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Do demons show up in auspex and how?

If a vampire uses auspex on a demon (within a human host), does it show up on auspex? And if so, beginning with which level of auspex and what are the indicators? (I was sure there was a color ...
Thomas E.'s user avatar
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6 votes
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Need some help with spell and ritual rules (taking time to cast, cast retry...)

I'm using the M20 version of Mage, but I find that it sometimes lacks some examples. And I have a doubt about my understanding of two rule points in particular: taking several rounds to cast a spell, ...
Onirim's user avatar
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Is there a Vampire: The Masquerade character builder? [closed]

I've been considering DMing some Masquerade. In my DnD group, we're big fans of the dnd4 builder. I'm wondering if there's such a tool going around and/or online. At this particular point, I'm not ...
Bear's user avatar
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-2 votes
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When turning Alucard, from Hellsing Ultimate, into a Vampire what is the best build?

In this case I'm wanting to turn Alucard, from Hellsing Ultimate, into a Vampire in Vampire the Masquerade and/or Vampire: The Dark Ages using the V20 rules. Or 20th Annivesary rules. No fifth edition ...
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
4 votes
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I'm trying to turn Nezuko (from Demon Slayer) into a Vampire in a Dark Ages setting. What would be the best build for such an NPC?

So I'm trying to turn Nezuko, from Demon Slayer, into a Vampire in a setting in the Dark Ages. She's basically Nezuko but transplanted to another setting. I'm currently using "Vampire the ...
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
-5 votes
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What are the various clans of Vampire the Masquerade 20th edition - Dark Ages?

I only am using V20 Dark ages and I was just hoping that someone could give me a paragraph of information for each of the clans so that I can get a great idea of what each one is.
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
-3 votes
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What systems would need to be in place for a 610-year-old Toreador Vampire to maintain a humanity rating of 8 for so long? [closed]

I'm trying to make a female vampire who's, 610 years old and Toreador have such a high humanity rating. I'm kind of not sure what are some recommendations onto how she has been able to maintain such a ...
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
-2 votes
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What does having a humanity rating of 6 mean for a 380 year old Toreador Vampire? What about a Humanity of 7 for a 150 year old Toreador Vampire? [duplicate]

I'm thinking of playing a Vampire of the Masquerade game and I'm very much thinking of having the two main NPCs that the players interact with be of the Toreador Clan. In this case the first one is a ...
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
9 votes
3 answers

What does having a Humanity rating of 7 mean for a 150 Year old Vampire?

I have no idea about Vampire the Masquerade but I'm kind of curious to know about the humanity system and whether this is special or not. And like how does the humanity system work?
ColonizeroftheSun's user avatar
12 votes
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Does using magick to reversing aging accrue permanent paradox?

Reversing aging is a vulgar effect(Page 509 MtA 20th Anniversary Edition) and it has a permanent effect. Considering both of these is similar to using enhancement to get an attribute past five dots, ...
Maiko Chikyu's user avatar
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8 votes
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How could I lower the rate of critical successes?

I'm trying to create my own RPG, to play with friends. To be honest, I never played published RPGs before, only home-brewed ones, but I don't feel like spending money on a thing that I may never use, ...
Nolann Boyere's user avatar
5 votes
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Specialized explosives stats in WoD games

Like the title, I'm looking for stats of specialized explosives weaponry in oWoD games (any splat, since weapon stats are consistent across splats, and if there are no sources for that in oWoD sources,...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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7 votes
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What are prerequisites for casting a buff spell with on/off functionality?

As in title: I would like to cast a long duration spell (let's say a simple "luck" buff using Entropy Sphere or a simple illusion changing my appearance using Forces Sphere) with at-will on/...
Nec Xelos's user avatar
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