I've been mulling over a dream character for some time now. I like to play with Pathfinder as the base with 3.5 material available to be converted for use. 

Enter the [Convert Spell to Power Erudite][1]. Lots of great things that can happen here. Say we make it to Epic levels and acquire [Astral Projection][2]. Say we also become a [Mindborn][3], essentially a Psionic lich with a specially modified Psicrystal as the phylactery. A Mindborn however is Incorporeal and therefore lacks a physical body, does Astral Projection fail to create a new body then? Or does it extend an additional Incorporeal consciousness into the planes with a silver chord coming out the back of its head... Should it choose to have one? 

TLDR: Can an Incorporeal creature cast Astral Projection?

  [1]: http://archive.wizards.com/default.asp?x=dnd/psm/20070629a
  [2]: https://www.d20pfsrd.com/magic/all-spells/a/astral-projection/
  [3]: http://dsp-d20-srd.wikidot.com/the-mindborn