On one session a player with a Force Sensitive character tried to use the Move Force Power to make a ranged (discipline) attack check against an enemy with adversary 3 talent. 

This PC rolled 2 despairs,  3 black pips on his 2 force dice, and 3 succees.

Nevertheless he declared that he didn't wanted to use the Dark Side Pips, so no Force Points were generated. I didn't know how to rule that so I made a pause to check the rules on the Force chapter on the Force and Destiny book:

 - A Force Check **is always "succesfully" activated**, even if no Force
   Points were generated.
 - The entire check is **made at one time** on a Combined Force Power   
 - The character should generate and spend Force Points **after rolling 
   the dice pool, before interpreting the results** of the rest of the  

This made me realize than a player can roll the whole Combined Force Check, take a look at the overall result, realize that is an utter catastrophe and declare that he don't want to generate Force Points. 

***Should we interpret the result of the check (advantages, despair, etc.) at this point? Or ignore the result because he didn't wanted generate force points?***

This also presents another problem, a player will only generate Force Points with Dark side pips if the check is an overall succees.