Preface blurb: I love simulacrum/true polymorph to an unhealthy degree. Tl;dr I have an army of true polymorph'd simulacra. However, the question came up of whether simulacra know enough to not only act as their own individuals, and if they actually have personalities?

In the *clone* spell, it states clearly that 

> The clone is physically identical to the original and has the **same personality, memories,** and abilities, but none of the original’s equipment.

while *simulacrum* does not have this text. *Simulacrum* does state, however, that

> Otherwise, the Illusion uses all the **Statistics** of the creature it duplicates, except that it is a construct.

The 5e SRD definition of "statistics" also refers to that as its "stat block", which consists of features like its type, race, ability scores, features, and notably, **its alignment.**

The question is: does a creature's statblock include its current knowledge/memories and personality? And by the language of *true polymorph* wherein **"[the creature] retains its Alignment and personality,"** could a neutral good simulacrum TP into say, a death knight, and still be neutral good with the original personality of the sim?