Most likely you have the highest damage output === If the Barbarian has Great Weapon Master, you are second. [Cantrips are quite bad at damage][1] , _except for Eldritch Blast_ with Agonizing Blast. The Wizard, even if he has Eldritch Blast (a single-class Wizard can't have it), will lack Agonizing Blast. Even after taking 2 levels of Warlock, most likely he won't have the necessary Cha to use it effectively. Even if he has 16 now, he won't be able to [increase it properly][2]. (Or he will not be very good at wizarding) Sure he can decide to spend all his spell slots in the first encounter, vastly outdamaging you, but from then on _he_ is just an extra mouth to feed that day. ###DnD is one of the most combat oriented RPGs, if you are good at combat, you are relevant [1]: [2]: