The archive feature will generally get you the content you once had a link to. There's a couple of URL forms I recognise that'll work.

# /dnd/Article links

For Article pages — ones that have `/dnd/Article.aspx` in the URL, like in the question — there's still a way to access them: replace the 'www' in the URL with 'archive'. So for the updates archive, you'll now need to visit this link:


If there is no 'www' and it's just in the form of then _add_ the 'archive' portion, to turn that domain into

# /go/article links

For links of this form:


This seems to just be a shortcut or redirect to a proper article link (i.e. the format in the question). Take the bit at the end following the `?x=`, which in this case is `dnd/updates`, and dump it on the end of the proper Article URL:

Producing, in this case, a link to the Errata & Rules Updates page:
