I was browsing through the _Pathfinder_ questions on site an came across [this little nugget](https://rpg.stackexchange.com/questions/73414/how-would-a-flesh-to-stoned-hydra-with-shape-stone-cast-on-it-regrow-limbs-once) among them. Inspired by this attempt at the mythical unusual, I began to study the different spells in the Core Rulebook to discover the most efficient means of NPCs selling mass quantities of mythical meat in a campaign. The most hygienic and air-tight method that I could find was casting [**Stone to Flesh**][1] on a bolder created through [**Polymorph any Object**][2] on pure water. Of course a HUGE part of this working depends on how long the transformation lasts for PaO. Considering the length of PaO depends on the similarity of the objects, and the chart lacks certain details in the Kingdom section, **does a water to rock transformation last forever, or only for 3 hours?**
